{ the ballad of yn }

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"You can do this" I said to myself in the mirror. "You can do this". I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I finished my music training a few months ago and is now about to do my first concert.

"(Y/N)!!" I heard a voice yell. Mayday and Zuke ran into the room and hugged me. "Guys! Guys!" I shouted. I got them off of me and stood up. "You're going to be great out there," Zuke told me. "You're going to blow their minds!!" Mayday told me. "They won't believe what hit them!"

I nodded. I adjusted my jacket. "Yeah, yeah," I told them. "Just kind of nervous". "You shouldn't be nervous" Zuke said to me. "I mean, you've done this before and that last time you did great". "Yeah, but I'm a musician now!" I said. "I've already released my first album but I have to perform live in front of them!".

"Don't be nervous!" Mayday told me. "Be fabulous, be talented, be bold!". "(Y/N) (L/N)?" I heard a voice call me. "The concert's about to start". "Oh shoot, gotta go" I told them. I grabbed my microphone and fixed my hair one more time, then ran out the room. Mayday and Zuke waved at me. "Good luck!" they told me. I smiled at them and nodded.

I saw the crowd in front of the stage. People were screaming my name. The staff were giving me the thumbs-up sign. There was a cyan mist cloaking the stage. I ran into the stage and put the mic up to my lips. "Are you ready!?" I shouted. I heard the audience shout back at me. I breathed in, and the beat started.
"(Y/N), that was super duper wow!!". Mayday shouted and ran towards me. She hugged me tight. Zuke patted me on the shoulder. "Really liked your first song there". "Oh, thanks buddies" I chuckled. Mayday let me go and ruffled my hair. My sunglasses fell off and slid onto my nose. I sat down on the couch and took a breathe. "Oh gosh that was pretty stressful," I gasped. "But did you see me out there!? I was a total badass!!". I was about to tell them more when a security guard tapped me on the shoulder.

"Somebody wants to visit you," he told me. "Who?" I asked them. I stood up. "DJ Subatomic Supernova and another guest," he explained to me. I raised my eyebrow. Why was Mr Supernova visiting me and who was this mystery guest? "Okay, bring them in" I told him. He went off to find my guests. "Who's the other guy??" May asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Beats me, I don't know either". I flopped down onto the couch and waited for them to arrive.

"Hello, (Y/N)" DJ SubSup said to me. He was still in his usual jacket and shorts, with a popsicle in hand, of course. "Mr Supernova," I said. "Who's the guest?". He stepped aside and a man came into the room. He was wearing a Hawaiian dad shirt with black coat. There were multiple pins pinned to his coat. Most of them my merchandise.

He had the same eyes as me, and the same hair as mine. He fixed up his hair and looked at me. "Hey, I'm Dad," he said to me. Mayday and Zuke looked at me, and then to him. I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I-I couldn't believe it.

"Dad!?" I shouted. I ran up to him and hugged him tight. "What are you doing here!?". "I found a way to Vinyl City!" he smiled. I wiped away my tears. "Wait, how??" I said. Dad looked over at DJ SubSup. "Well, we may or may not have found a way to teleport between dimensions" he explained to me.

I looked at him in disbelief. I- What? How?? Did he say teleport between dimensions??? Jesus Christ, how were we even able to call eachother??? I didn't really care. I just really wanted to bond with my dad. "Okay Dad! Meet Mayday and Zuke!!". They waved at him. "Oh, you look way different from what I imagined!" he said. "I heard about the music revolution you caused a few months ago! Just astounding!!". "Thank,  Mr (L/N)," Mayday chuckled.

"Oh oh! Wait till you see the city!" I told him. "Eve's got a concert coming up soon and 1010 will be doing a fan signing and, oh my gosh maybe I should rest first". My dad laughed. "Can't wait to see the city". I waved to the others and we walked out.

I showed him around the city with Mayday and Zuke. We went to the fan signing (which Mayday was practically dying to go to), we visited a bunch of the tourist attractions and we even introduced him to Tatiana. We then visited my district which Tatiana built a month ago. Mayday and Zuke waved goodbye to me as I brought my Dad to my house. We agreed that he would sleep on the couch (which he wasn't mad about).
As he snored on the couch, I was on the balcony in my bedroom.

Some artistic ideas had hit me and I was currently writing some lyrics down to be a potential song. I looked up at the night sky and at the NSR tower. The revolution felt like it happened yesterday, yet a thousand years ago. I had changed so much since I first accidentally arrived here. Was it destiny? I don't know.

I sighed and looked up at the stars. I smiled and returned back to writing my song. What a rollercoaster ride this journey was. And I'm glad I took the ride.
Hey guys! This is TomaTedd speaking. I guess this is the end of my NSR fanfic..

Thank you so so much though for reading this! I never would have expected more than 1,000 people to actually read this! I would appreciate it if you followed me to be notified of any more books I'm planning or even check out my other books.

Again, thank you so, so, SO much for being on this journey with me! And thank you, for reading my NSR fanfic.


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