Part 1- Children Books

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Author's note
This part is bad but I swear that the other ones are better

You head into the bookstore, grabbing a basket and looking for the specific isle you needed. As you come upon isle you were looking for, you put the books into the basket.

After you got the books you decide to look around for a new book for you to read. You look through the rows of bookshelves and as you turn to go down the next isle, you bump into a rather handsome man.

"I'm so sorry!!" The young man says as he stumbles to stand. He offers you his hand to help you up. You accept his help, and grab his hand and he pulls you up.

" Thank you." You manage between laughing. He looks down at the books that had fallen out of your basket. They were an assortment of children books. He looks concerned, which makes you laugh.

" These aren't for me." You chuckle " I'm an elementary teacher, I was just getting books for my new classroom."

"Oh, good, for a second I thought such a beautiful woman was reading children's books." He said making you blush

" Oh really now?" You giggle. Looking down at his basket, he had books from all different languages. "Wow.. how can you even understand so many different languages?" You ask shocked.

"Well I am considered a genius with an IQ of 187 and I can read 20,000 words per minute." He stated.

"Geez, anything else I should know?" You ask.

"Oh, and I have an eidetic memory with 3 PHDs in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering." He added.

" Wow, cute, smart, and kind?" You teased " I would guess you already have a girlfriend."

" Actually... I don't." He mumble so quietly that you almost didn't here him.

" Really?!" You asked surprised. "That's quite shocking." You notice him staring at you and it made you blush. "I'm y/n y/l/n by the way, in case you were wondering." You noted.

"Um.. I'm Spencer Reid." He replied, snapping his eyes off of you and to the floor. He looked embarrassed and it was cute.

" I would love to keep talking but I must be on my way, I have to finish decorating my classroom." You began "But if you would like to get coffee some time..." You said.

I would lov—" he was interpreted by his phone. He answers and seems upset. "Yes, I'll be right there." He hung up, quickly apologized and then left.

As you head up to the check out, you realized you never got his number.

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