Part 2- A long Weekend

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As you walk up to your apartment, you are suddenly very tired. You had spent the rest of the day finishing your classroom so that you could have the weekend to run errands and clean up your apartment.

You get into the shower, half asleep, washing your body and hair as quickly as you could. Once out of the shower, you brush your teeth and head to bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were in a deep sleep.

The next morning, you get out of bed, still exhausted, and walk into the kitchen. As you make coffee, you realize how messy your apartment really is.

After cleaning, you check your email to see if you have any from parents of students. You answer the few emails you had and then decided that it was time for lunch. Not wanting to cook, you decided to order out. When the pizza got here, you got some on a plate and sat on the couch and turned on a random show. You weren't really paying attention, you were too busy thinking about Spencer. You had been busy since you woke up, and never had time to think about him till now. You were weirdly sad at the possibility that you might not see him again. You had only talked to him once, and it was brief.

After eating, you walked over to your bookshelf to pick out a book to read. You had always been a hopeless romantic, so most of your books were romance. But the last thing you wanted right now was to think about romance, knowing it would make you think about Spencer. You searched for a murder mystery book, knowing that it should keep your mind of him.

After reading half of the book, you look at the clock on your wall and realize how late it was. Knowing that tomorrow you had to run errands, you shut the book, after putting a bookmark in it, and set it on the table.

The next day went by fast and you only thought about Spencer 3 times. You were so confused why you couldn't get him out of your mind. You had only talked to him once, but it felt different with him. You knew you had to see him again.. but how?

Author's Note
Sorry this was so short! The next one should be longer!!

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