Part 13- Digging up the Past

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You had left at around 3:30, it was not 8:45 and you had two more hours to drive. You weren't going to stop till you got to your mom's house.

You had called the school and told them that you were going to be out Monday for family business, but that you should be back on Tuesday.

You hadn't even told your mom that you were coming, but you didn't want to stop driving, knowing it would slow you down.


You pull up to your mom's house at around 10:50 and see that a car was in the driveway. You panic and grab your gun and run around to the back door. She had always kept all her doors locked, but you knew where a key was.

Unlocking the door, you are greeted by your family dogs. The back door led to the dog's room and passed the dog's room was the kitchen. The dogs didn't bark because they knew you so you walk past them and into the kitchen, with your gun at the ready. The kitchen was empty.

From the living room, you hear your mom's laugh, making you freeze. Why was she laughing? It hit you that it was probably just your brother since he comes home on the weekends when he's not in college.

Your mom had moved houses right after the incident, and had never looked back. You were proud of how well she had moved on. She went to therapy for a couple of years, but they told her that she could stop coming if she wanted to because of how well she had coped with it all.

You walk into the living slowly, trying not to startle your mother or brother.

Your mother stops talking as soon as she sees you.

"Hey..." you try to talk but you begin to cry when you see her. She is up from her seat and hugging you in a matter of seconds.

"Hey honey, long time no see." She laughs lightly. You missed he so much, her smell, her voice, her presence.

"Oh mom!" You cry into her shoulder.

"Let me get a hug too!" Your brother says as he joins in on the hug. You had missed your brother too. You missed them both.

"I missed you guys." You say as you finally pull away.

"What on earth are you doing here this late? And why did you not come through the front door?" Your mother laughs.

"Yeah, did you miss us that much that you had to make a try all the way out here at 11:00 p.m. at night?" You brother jokes.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you tomorrow." You promise.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can make you something." You laugh as your mom peppers you with questions. She had obviously missed you as much as you missed her.


You had all talk about nothing and everything till 5:00 in the morning, when your mother had dozed off on the couch and your brother had went to bed.

You try to go to bed, but you are still anxious that your dad might show up. You assumed that he hadn't been here yet because your mom hadn't said anything and she seemed perfectly happy.

You decide to look for a book off one of your mom's bookshelves. You had gotten your love of reading from your mom. She loved reading as much as you did, and you had just picked up the habit from her. You read till you fell asleep in the chair next to your mom.

You wake up to a knock on the door. You look over to see your mom stir in her sleep, but not wake up. You grab your gun out of your purse, and walk over to the door. You look through the peep hole, but no ones there. You slowly open the door, gun still drawn.

There was nothing there but a box, with the name of some company my mom orders her books from. You set your gun down on the table next to you and pick up the box and setting it on the table. You slip your gun back into your purse, and go grab a your bag, with some clothes and things, from you car.

You see that your brother's car was gone, and you find a note on the table, saying that he would be back later.

Before getting in the shower, you look at the nearest clock and see that it is 12:15, your mom probably wouldn't wake up for a few more hours.

After showering and changing, you decided to clean up. It wasn't even dirty, but you had nothing else to do.

"What's bothering you honey?" You mom asked, startling you. You hadn't expected her to be awake yet.

"What do you mean?" You didn't know how she knew you were stressed.

"You're cleaning. You do it when you are stressed. You learned it from me." She winks at you.

"I didn't know I did that... and nothing, I'm just bored." You lie.

"Come on, I can tell your lying to me darling. You don't have to tell me, but maybe I can help." She encourages.

"It's just... a boy." You lie again, but this time you convince her.

"Really?! Tell me all about him!" You hadn't dated much, so whenever you mention a boy, she goes crazy for it.

"Long story short, I met him at a bookstore and I think we hit it off, but I'm worried he doesn't like me." You make up some nonsense, half telling the truth. You did meet Spencer at a bookstore, and you did hit it off, but you weren't worried that he didn't like you. He showed you that he liked you Tuesday night when he confided in you.

"Tell me more!!" Your mom insist.

"Well... he's a doctor and a FBI agent. He is a genius with an IQ of 187, he has and eidetic memory, and he is the best person I've ever met." You give into your mom.

"You didn't even tell me his name!"

"Okay, okay!" You laugh "his name is Spencer."

After telling your mom about him, you hang out with your mom for the rest of the day, and with your brother when he gets home.

When your brother leaves to go back to college, you decide to go to bed early, and she does too.

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