Part 9- An Apology

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You begin packing up your bag, getting ready to head  home. You had gotten a few text from Spencer, but you've been busy all day that you haven't had a chance to answer them. Okay... that was a lie, you've been ignoring him. You weren't as mad as you were, but you just wanted to make him sulk a little bit longer.

As you lock your classroom door, you spot Carter down the hall.

"CARTER! Wait up!" You call out. He looks like he's not going to stop, but he does.

"Hey y/n." He says plainly

"I just wanted to apologize for Spencer's behavior, he was being an ass, he usually isn't like that." You explain.

"It's okay y/n, he obviously likes you, that's why he was being an asshole." You try not to roll your eyes. Carter has never been your favorite person, you get along fine, but he is always on top of you. He is very flirtatious, but in a creepy way.

"Thanks for... understanding." You try to hide your distaste. You were mad at Spencer, but hearing Carter call him an asshole mad you even angry.

Once out the school, you look for your car. Once you see it, you run over, seeing a note and a box in the passenger seat. You get into your car and set your bag in the back, and grab the note. You begin to read it

Dear y/n,
              I'm sorry for being such a jerk this morning, I was out of line. I had a friend of mine help me get your car here like I said, and got you a present. I had another friend help me pick out a dress for you for tonight, that is, if you still intend on going. You don't have to wear it, or go, I just wanted to offer you a peace offering.
                                                              Sincerely, Spencer

You smile while reading the note. You grab your phone and call Spencer. He picked up almost immediately.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry for earlier, please forgive me?" He begged.

You suppress a laugh "Oh, I don't know, you were pretty out of line. I'll have to think about it."

"Y/N, please!"

You couldn't hold in your laugh anymore, you burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh, Spence, I'm just messing with you. I forgive you. And to answer your note, yes I am going and thank you for the dress."

You here Spencer sigh in relief on the other end. "Thank you angel, I'll pick you up at around 7:00, we are going out for dinner first. Is that okay?"

"Of course. And Spence... I'm sorry if I actually worried you, I had forgiven you about 2 hours after it happened. I just thought you should suffer a bit, since you ruin a "very close friendship" of mine." You laugh "I actually talked to him as I was leaving, he made me really mad."

"What did he do?" Spencer asked.

"So I apologized to him for you being an ass and when he called you an asshole, it made me really mad, like, only I can call you an ass!" You exclaim.

Spencer laughs on the other end of the phone. "Angel, you are indeed, the only one who can call me an ass." He laughs

"I would love to keep talking Spence, but I have to get ready for a night on the town!" You cheer.

"See you at 7:00 then, angel?"

"Oh, you know it, Dr. Reid." You tease.

After hanging up you head home to get ready.


When you get into your apartment, you bring the box into your room, then head to the bathroom to get ready. You put on some makeup, and put your hair in a casual some up, some down hairstyle.

You hadn't actually got a chance to look at the dress. You pull the dress out of the box, and put it on. You walk over to the mirror to look at it. It's beautiful! The dress is a beautiful, purple cocktail dress, and it fits your body perfectly.

You laugh to yourself as you see what color he chose. Purple, his favorite color. The top part of the dress is light purple, and it fades into a dark purple towards the bottom. You look at your phone when it lights up with a call from JJ.

"Oh, hey JJ! What's up?"

"Hey y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch tomorrow with two of my friends from work?"

"Yeah! That sound super fun."

"Cool, well I'll see you then!" JJ says, hanging up after you say goodbye.

Here a knock on the door, so you grab your hand bag and a cut black leather jacket, and open the door.

Spencer's mouth drops. "Shit y/n, I didn't know a person could look this good. Why does purple look so hot on you?" You giggle and roll your eyes.

"Thanks Dr. Reid. I owe it to whoever picked this dress out, the have taste." You tease.

"Oh, angel, you will get to meet her tonight. I owe her big time!" He gawks at your, making you laugh.

"Be careful, you might swallow a fly, Dr. Reid." You tease.

You close the space between you and Spencer. You look down, to see the bulge in his pants. You brush you hand against his bulge, making him let out a whimper. You grin, looking back up to Spencer.

"Dr. Reid... we might need to head out, we don't want to be late, that would be rude." You close Spencer's mouth for him and head towards Spencer's car. He stands there for a moment, watching you, then jogs up to you, and opens the car door for you. You giggle, and crawl into the car, throwing your jacket and hand bag into the back seat.

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