Part 7 - Tummy

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Letting out a grunt, Simon gives a nod before walking back to the staff room to continue on his baking tasks.

As you are alone again, the silence between you pricks on your skin. While Simon had been with you - at least there had been a situation to take handle - but not... With the two of you being alone, it was almost as you had reversed time... That you were back at the table.


His deep voice brings you out of your thoughts and you meet his eyes.

"Where can I find the first aid?"

Baffled, you shake your head. "It's over there." You point in the direction of the coffee machine. "In the blue cabinet. It's a green box."

Giving a nod, Taehyung gets back on his feet, and after some rummaging, he returns with the green first aid box.

"Now, let's get you all fixed up," he smiles at you while sitting down in front of you again.

"You don't have to-" You begin as you feel bad for having him tend to you, but also for sitting on the floor while doing so.

"Shhh..." He hushes you as he opens the box and pulls out cotton and a bottle. "Let me do this, okay?"

There is cold as he presses the wet cotton to your leg, you can hardly feel any pain. He continues to dab you gently.

*buzz buzz*

You hear the phone buzzing, and again your heart sinks. It's probably her again. His girlfriend...

However, not seeming to pay any mind to it, Tae continues to clean up. Putting the cotton down, he opens the package band-aids and smiles playfully. "Which would you like, Y/N?"

You look down at what he is holding up in front of you.

"Hmm..." You consider the three band-aids that he is holding up in front of you. You want the one with horses, but as it is a kids band-aid, you decide not to. What is left is a striped green and black one, and an ordinary plain one. "I will go for the plain one."

"This one?" He holds it up, and as you nod, he opens it and leans closer to make sure that it is placed correctly.

You can feel his warm breath on your skin. It tingles, and you let out a small giggle.

Looking up at you with a playful look on his face, he sends another stream of warm air at you, causing you to giggle even more.

Then, bending in even closer, he placed a fast kiss on your knee. Smiling to you with a big, boxy smile, he put all the medical equipment back in the box, before getting back up on his feet. Stretching his legs and back, he then reaches his arms up; stretching his entire length.

Your eyes widen.

His cream-colored shirt is no longer tugged into his pants, but pulled up by the stretching, now giving you access to the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. A creamy caramel tummy poking out, its glow radiation, and looking so soft that it is all you can do not to reach out and touch it.

Letting out a small yawl, he bends to each side and stretches first his left, then his right - each stretch seemingly pulling more on his shirt.

Before you can stop yourself, your hands shoot forward and lay on his tummy. You sigh with delight as your fingers touch his skin and you feel them sink in the softness of his tummy.

A short wince from him, makes your eyes widen. What have you done?

[15+] Sweet as hot chocolate [Y/N x Kim Taehyung] PlaygroundWhere stories live. Discover now