Part 13 - What was Found

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Dumbfounded, you look down at the phone as it keeps ringing. There's no doubt about it - it is Taehyung's phone. The ringtone is the same as yours. And when you look down at the display, you see a sneaky picture of you and the name 'love'. Your tears well up as you realize he must have done this too while you thought he was texting his girlfriend.

"Tae..." You stare down at the phone, the jingling continuing in a loop as you try to understand why it was here - and in a flowerpot of all things.

"Y/N?" Simon walks up closer to you. "What's that?"

You don't know how to explain it all to Simon. With all that has happened today, you are unsure if he would understand, but if you say nothing, then...

"It's Tae - Taehyung's phone... I don't know why..." You tell him.

"Taehyung? Is that his name - the guy from earlier today?"

You nod.

An annoyed expression appears on Simon's face. "The jerk that made you cry..."

"No no," You try to calm him, "he didn't make me cry - it was all a- a- a big misunderstanding."

Simon does not look convinced. "Oh? Like what?"

"He-" You stop yourself. You don't know if Taehyung would have wanted to share all the details with Simon. Trying to figure out how to explain without saying too much, you open your mouth, but before you can say anything-

* Chime Chime *

You both turn to look at the door and the person walking through it.

"We're closed," Simon informs as he sends a not too friendly glare at the guest.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung gave an unsure smile. "But I wonder if you might have seen my phone-"

Your eyes meet, and looking into them, you see first insecurity and hope, but then warmth as he must read the truth in your eyes.

"Hi" Your words aren't much more than a whisper.

His face grows to a boxy smile. "Hi."

Unable to hold back your relief, you find yourself hurrying over to, and throw yourself at him. Staggering backward, his arms wrap around you as you're pulling both him and yourself backward and down on the floor.



You land on the floor. Luckily for you, you land on top of him, while for Tae...

"Aa-shh" He mutters in pain.

"Tae!" Your eyes widen as you realize that you might have gone a little overboard. "A-Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for-"

"Aishh, it's fine, just..." Taehyung begins.

"Just what?" You asked; curious and worried at the same.

"It's a bit hard to breathe."

Blinking, you become acutely aware of your positioning. Laying on top of him on the floor - your body pressing him down and your face resting on the side of his neck.

Your face heating up, you want nothing but to hide your face. You can't believe that you'd actually thrown yourself at him like that - and also managing to knock him over in the process. It was just too embarrassing.

"Y/N?" His voice, though a bit strained from being underneath you, seemed worried.

Raising your face from his shoulder, your eyes meet. Though you would have thought it impossible, his eyes are even more beautiful than before. Being so close, you can clearly see the depth of them; the layers of chocolate and coffee. All browns and warmth - all entrancing you, drawing you in and making your heart burn.

Leaning closer, you can feel his breath tingle your face, his face so beautiful, his eyes, his nose, his... lips...

Your eyes can't look away from them. So soft, so close... If only you could...

Throwing the idea out of your head at the last minute, you bury lean in to hug his cheek. A shiver runs through you as you hug onto him, the softness of his skin like a river of the softest cream and warm like a summer day.

Holding him close like that, his heavy breathing tickling your ear, you close your eyes - not wanting to let go of him.


Oh. Simon.

Your muscles tense up as you remember something that you are not alone...

"Ehm, are you guys....ehm... okay?" He asks, his voice seems strange, embarrassed almost.

Letting go of Taehyung, you quickly get on your feet again, and dust of the imaginary dust on your clothes. You can't look at Taehyung right now - it is too embarrassing, so you turn your full attention to Simon.

"Y-yes," You give him a smile. "It's fine... Just a... ehm..." What could you say'? That you were too eager, no, that was not it...

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~" You bust out in the loudest laughter you could - drawing all the attention to that and not to the embarrassing situation.

Simon's face looks at you like you've gone insane, and honestly, that might be the case as you have no idea what you are doing.

Beside you, Taehyung is getting on his feet as well. You can feel that he too is looking at you, but there is something about the way that looks that are... different?

[15+] Sweet as hot chocolate [Y/N x Kim Taehyung] PlaygroundWhere stories live. Discover now