Part 16 - Snowfall

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Outside the air was blowing cold and harsh, but for some reason, it didn't feel too bad. Even though wearing your beanie, your fluffy scarf as well as one of your mittens, you always seem too shutter when in this kind of weather, but today... Looking down at your hand as it was pulled on by this boy, this... Tae.

Although you're not wearing a mitten on the hand holding Taehyung, your hand still feels warmer than any pair of mittens have ever done. Holding your hand in his... It just felt so nice, so natural, and so you followed him, walking along after him with a warm smile on your face.

It didn't feel long at all before he suddenly stopped.

Looking up from your hands and to his face, you see a sweet smile. "Tae?

"Do you remember?" He asks hopefully.

"This is..." You begin as you look around. "It's the park on the north of the campus..?" You blink confusedly. You were sure that you had walked for at least 5-10 minutes, but this... This was right outside the coffee shop?


"Yes..." You shake yourself back to the moment. "I just... I thought that we had just walked for so long, but we're just here?..."

A flush of pink appeared in Taehyung's cheeks. "Well," he grinned shyly. "I wanted to keep holding your hand - so I took a detour."

Your eyes widening, you stare at him with disbelief. Had he really-?

"You don't feel cold do you?"

He sounds worried, and you hurry to shake your head.

"I'm all warm..." You say, looking up and into his eyes as you give his hand a careful squeeze.

He squeezes your hand back, and suddenly pull you into a hug; holding you tight to him

His breath hot as he breaths down on the crown of you hed, you suddenly hear him whisper to you in a deep voice. "Then, would you mind... warming me up as well?"

Your heart skipping several beats, you give a small nod as you slowly lift your arms to hold around him as well.

Holding you, your rest your head to his chest his heart. Your senses are all filled with him. The sound of his heart, the smell of him, the gentle breeze as he's breathing down on you - he is everywhere around you - and in your heart and mind.

A shiver goes through his chest as he starts singing to you in a deep, intimate voice.

With the vibrations from his voice tickling your ears, you snuggle even closer into his chest.

Listening to him, you consider joining in, but your nerves get the best of you, and you instead close your eyes and listens as the tune of your ringtone is sung by Taehyung.

Listening closely, you close your eyes, and soon your body begins to sway in the rhythm of his song. Left, right, left, right.

The sawing gets larger as he continues, and soon you're swaying around; almost dancing as the flakes of snow fell on you.

Raising your head, you look to the side and up - watching the scenery around you. It was so beautiful - soo perfect - almost too-

"AAA-" You let out a yelp as you're suddenly stumbling, tumbling down towards the ground.

Closing your eyes, you're ready for the cold, hard impact, but as you land, it's not hard nor cold, but rather...


You gasp out as you realize exactly where you landed. "TAE!"

[15+] Sweet as hot chocolate [Y/N x Kim Taehyung] PlaygroundWhere stories live. Discover now