Part 9 - Jingle

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Confused, you stop yourself, and you let the music play on. It was embarrassing. It was not that you didn't love your ringtone, but it was a bit much for most. Only when you were alone, you would let it go on for longer than intended, just to listen to it. You remember that when you first got it you had...

"Just like that day..."

You look up as you hear him humming along to the tune of your ringtone.

That is then you remembered his words from earlier - him asking you about your ringtone and if you were still using it. That was when he had asked for your phone-

Your heart sank again as you once again remember again the moment he had put away your phone to enthusiastically answer his own phone. This was the same thing happening again. You were getting yourself worked up over small things, even though you knew that the gorgeous man standing right in front of you was already claimed - and happy with his situation.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung had stopped humming, and was now cocking his head to the side and looking down at you; wonder playing in his beautiful dark chocolate eyes. "Y/N? Why do you look so sad?"

Searching for words best to describe your situation, you decide to tell him the full, honest truth. Drawing in a deep breath, you close your eyes, and let it all out in a storm of words.

"Tae... I'm, I'm really not sure how to feel or what to do... It's just... You're confusing me so much right now, and I'm really not understanding what is happening or what you want. You're so sweet, but yet, I don't understand why... You said you're happy with your girlfriend, and still-"

Your words get cut off as he lets go of you and takes a step backward.

"Tae?" You look up at him, now even more confused by his actions than before.

Had you read him all wrong? Could it be that he was not trying to charm you at all - that he was just being friendly, and that you were the only one reading way too much into it. You mentally hit yourself. How could you have misunderstood the situation to such an extent? You must have been blinded by your attraction to Taehyung, and just though...

Shaking your head, you try to get rid of your own embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung's voice sounds as confused as you feel.

Daring to lift your gaze enough to see his face, you're surprised to see feelings in it that you feel mirroring your own.

"I didn't-" His words were cut short as a chiming.

Both turning your heads to the door of the store, you nod as a group of female students enter the cafe.

"Brr, it's so cold today!" One of them exclaims as she huddles over to the table by the heater.

The other girls nod and hurry over to join their friend.

Taking this opportunity to escape what probably has been the most embarrassing moment in your life, you spin on your heel and sprint over to the counter and take the position of a waiting barista.

As you stand in wait for helping the girls with their servings, you can feel a pair of eyes following you. Not daring to meet his eyes, you keep looking in the direction of the girls while keeping your hands occupied with fiddling with the equipment in front of you.

Time is dragging out, and you are getting worried that Taehyung will approach you again before the girls will put in their orders. Another sound of the doorbell draws your attention to the door again and you can't help but feel relieved as another group of students enters.

It seemed like this day could return to being a normal day.

As the students poured inside, you stole a few glances in the direction of Taehyung. Taking on his jacket, he then put something down on his table before sending you one final last glance and leaving through the front door.

Watching him through the window as he walked out and down the street, a clutching feeling grows in your chest. Have you really done the right thing?

[15+] Sweet as hot chocolate [Y/N x Kim Taehyung] PlaygroundWhere stories live. Discover now