Part 10 - The Message

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Your attention turning back to the customers, you watch them as you wait. Taking their time, they finally approach you and order sweet lattes for all. Nodding, you smile as they pay and sit back down to wait. Making the coffees, you get a feeling that it is something you have forgotten. You try to think of what it can be, but it still has not occurred to you as you walk over to the girls with their orders.

Giving a light bow to the girls as they thank you, you walk through the room. You pass by the table you had earlier shared with Taehyung, and that is when you remember.

A note. He had left a note before he left!

Without a second to wait, you hurry over and grab the note, unwrapping it quickly, not caring what anyone might think if they see. Your hands are shaking as you unfold the last fold, and you hold your breath as you read what is written on it:


I'm not sure what just happened, and I would like to apologize if I upset you in any way. It was not on purpose, and there is also something that I would like to clarify:
I do not have a girlfriend. I don't know how you got that impression, but I do not have one.

I hope this will ease your mind, and that you will have another cup with me later tonight.

If you do, please send me a text.

- Tae "

Your heart pounding, you have to remind yourself to breathe. Reading through the note, again and again, your heart is racing. Could this really be true? But if it was... Then what had happened? His phone? Your mind is still buzzing with questions.


You jump as there is a heavy hand on your shoulder.

"You okay?"

"A-ahahaha, yeah, thanks, Simon." Giving an embarrassed laugh, you hurry to put the note in your pocket. "I'm taking my break now, okay?"

Simon raises a brow at you. "Okay? Sure."

"Great, thanks." You thank him as you hurry to the backroom - you need to breathe and think.

You hurry to the back and, as soon as the door closes behind you, you pull the piece of paper up again - reading it another few times.

Finally sure that you have now understood the content correctly - and that there is no way that you could have misunderstood him again, another thought comes to mind.

'If you do, please send me a text.'

But how? You didn't have his contact information. As if it by magic would have appeared on the paper, you study it, but no number appeared in front of you.

Letting out a long sigh, you fall back onto one of the chairs. He forgot to give it to you...

You lean back and close your eyes. Why? Why was it that this was such a mess? Why couldn't he have written his number on the note? Or told you - he could have asked to exchange information - he could have-!

Your eyes shoot open.


Could he?

Faster than an attacking snake, your hands grab your phone out of the pocket and as you hold it up - your heart stops.

Blinking your eyes, you stare at the screen - at what it shows.

" ONE NEW MESSAGE: To the cute girl in front of me, I(...) "

Your mouth dropping open, you stare, your mind not being able to take in what it is. Your fingers shaking, you close shut your eyes as you click on the alert and load the full message.

[15+] Sweet as hot chocolate [Y/N x Kim Taehyung] PlaygroundWhere stories live. Discover now