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Mina POV

Everyday in school, seeing you in school, always bring butterflies in my tummy. My cheeks glow red everytime, I see you or even hear your name.

Because of you, not even the bullies seem to bother me anymore. All their words seem meaningless now because in my mind, in my eyes, all I see is just you.

You don't notice me but I've been watching you for awhile. Everyday in class. From the back of the class. You always make this world even more brighter for me.

You're such a good runner, a good dancer. Every girl has their eyes on you. Their all gay for you. All head over heals for you. Yet, you don't bother.

You always have this smile on you. Such angelic smile. I wonder why? I try to approach you but before I could... she came...

Im Nayeon..

I see you everyday with her now. Always smiling so brightly like always but you only look at her and at no one else. That brought me jealousy. But what if you two are dating?

I can't take her away from you. I sighed as I looked out the window. Now you are with someone else....

"hello" a soothing voice... I turned to see

"hehe hi I'm Park Jihyo"

Park Jihyo. A girl I've never seen before.

"uhhh... you may have not seen me before. I'm in a different class"

Every since then, we always hang out. Talked about anything, about everything. I even got the courage and trust to finally tell jihyo about me and my life. Jihyo gave me a big hug and always held my hand everywhere we go.

As time flew by, I met Yoo Jeongyeon. We three became the best of friends. Apparently, Jihyo and Jeongyeon were friends even before they met me.

It would be a lie to say they didn't bring me happiness. They really do but not at the same level as you did.

You're still with her.. I sighed as I walked to the school rooftop. I sighed as I watched you and her at the school garden.. laughing.. I wished I was her.. what did she have that I don't..

"hey.." I turned to see Jihyo.

"you okay?" I shook my head and looked back the two. My heart aches. Why... why does it have be you...

"ahhh Im Nayeon and Park Y/N" Jihyo said. "they're childhood friends"

for whatever reason, my eyes grew larger as I turned around to look at jihyo.

"how do you know that?"

"what do you mean? Ofc I know you silly. Y/N's my sister. More like a younger sister"

I just smiled and hugged jihyo. I was just relieved that they're not together but what if they fell for one another? What if.. y/n is in love with nayeon...

I don't know what happened but I asked jihyo if I could live with her from now on. Surprisingly, she agreed. I hugged her again.

The school bell rang, indicating the end of school. Jihyo and Jeongyeon followed me home. As I got in my house, I saw dad with another woman in bed...

I didn't even care and just walked into my room and started packing everything. Afterwards, we parted ways with Jeongyeon and head to Jihyo's house. Will you finally notice me?

"im home" Jihyo said as she opened the door.

No response...

"hmm she must not be home yet. Oh well.. I'll show you your room then" I nodded. Maybe she's with nayeon..

"here's your room" I took a good lock around the room and it's just perfect, just like y/n. I smiled.

"ill go make us some food" and jihyo left. I started yo unpack my stuff.

I was just about finish till I heard the door opened. I ran to see if it was her but it was just someone else. I sighed.

Soon afterwards, that person left and I walked down to the kitchen where jihyo was.

"hey jihyo"

"oh hey Mina, how's the room?" as she cut the carrots.

"its awesome, thank you but I got something to ask?"

"sure, ask away"

"who was that? and wheres y/n?"

"that's two question minari~" she giggled.

I rolled my eyes as I went to take a glass a water.

"that person was my special someone. Minatozaki Sana. My girlfriend"

"oh.. so the rumors were wrong.. you aren't that straight as they all thought" as I took my sip.

"yeah. Don't believe everything you hear" as she poured the carrots into the pot.

"you haven't answered my other question. Wheres y/n?" I reckoned she's with that nayeon...

"she's working" I almost choked on water.


"yeah. Where did you think she got those nice clothes from? From me? Nah" she laughed as she did her cooking.

"and you?"

"of course I am. But today is my off day"  she smiled at me as she placed the bowl of soup infront of me.

"you look sick. Eat this. You'll feel better." I sat down and she was right, it did made me feel better. The secrets of foods.

"when will she be back?" I asked as I ate the soup.

"you really are curious about my baby sister huh?" I continued eating my food, completely ignoring that..

until someone came in..

"im home"

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