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(6 days later)

Mina POV

"alright. Now wear the same clothes" Jihyo ordered.

"it's all dirty"

"seriously? whatever, look, it's for evidence, next, you're gonna run from here to your parents. No money, no card, nothing"


"good, you'll leave at 3pm"

"got it cutie"

Jihyo turned to me and smirked and she walked out.

Sana came in, "what's with you two?"

"nothing. Just two friends being friends"

"no as in why are you guys flirting?"

"you said you liked it when-"

"okay okay shhh. you're so loud. Let's see how jihyo likes it..."

"what do you mean?"

"I'm breaking up with her"


"are you deaf? I'm breaking up with her"

"sana..is this because of me.. because of it is, I can stop-"

"no its not you. Don't worry. I just don't love her anymore"

am I hearing right? like my jaw just dropped.


"what, I'm serious" she smiled.

"sana, turn around"

Sana turned around to find a crying jihyo. Great... here comes the couple fight soon...


"w-we're over...?"


"you could have just said so earlier than making me think that- ugh forget it!" and Jihyo just left.

"shit! Jihyo baby! Wait!" and sana ran after her.

... wtf...

didn't know what the hell to say or do so I just started going to my parents' house.

"don't worry about them. We'll take care of it" Dahyun said and I nodded.

(time skip, Mina parents' house)

I was sweating and couldn't even breath. Damn. Freaking far. On the car, it seems so freaking fast.

"baby! Omg! Are you okay?" mom came out screaming.

"yes yes I'm okay but dad-"

"I know I know. I just wanted you to get back home safely first. Since you're here, I'll make you something to eat. In the meantime go wash up"

I nodded and went to my room.

I went downstairs after I showered. Food was already ready.

"baby... what happened to your father? Did you saw who hit him? He was on the phone earlier. He's still far far from home"

"i saw a guy... but he was wearing a helmet so I couldn't see.."

"i see. Look, eat up. I'm gonna find your father" mom smiled before leaving. She knows I don't like her kisses.

While mom was gone, I did what dad told me to do. I went to their room and search for that hidden little door.

It was under their bed? How tf does dad fit- nevermind.

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