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(next day, mina POV)

We arrived at my parents' house with our luggages.

"mina?" dad said.

"I'm here to stay with you guys for awhile" dad smiled and gave me a hug.

"where's mom?"

"she went to buy us some food. Whose your friend?"

"she's im nayeon. My friend from school"

"oh I see"

"she'll be staying with us"

"sure sure, anything that makes you feel safe" dad smiled, "ah food is here, join us nayeon"

We set our luggages in my old room.

"nice room you've got"


and we got down to eat.

"so, nayeon. Sorry to ask but where's your family?"


"it's okay mina. My parents are on a business trip and since I've gotta nothing much to do, I was thinking to hang with mina" nayeon smiled.

"I see, well then.. make yourself at home" mom said and nayeon thanked her.

(later on, in mina's room)

"so what now?" I asked but nayeon silenced me with her finger on my lips as I watch her search my room.


she found some black circle thingy and threw it onto the bed. later on there were like? uh 15?

"whats all that?" I asked.

"your parents don't trust me so we're gonna change things up a bit" nayeon said as she replaced them with something else.

"now, everything we say won't seem like a threat"

"you mean they'll only hear good things?"


"whose idea was this? Kinda cool"

"the girl that kissed you yesterday"

"oh.... so whats the next plan?"

"she'll call us soon. For now, just act normal" nayeon smiled and I nodded.

(night time)

"mina, nayeon, dinner is ready" mom shouted and we headed downstairs.

"umm mom.. where's dad?"

"she'll be here soon hun, he's just in his shower. Cmon have a seat" and we sat down and started eating.

"yummy this is delicious Ms Myoui" nayeon thanked my mom.

"no problem my dear. Now eat up"

(time skip, after dinner)

I closed the door behind us.

"your mom is sweet"


"but something is fishy about your dad"

"yeah... isn't that the reason why we're here? because to get what's rightfully to that owl?"

"yah, don't talk about her. She can hear y'know"

"what? How?"

"she has her ways like an owl. Scary but cute" nayeon shrugged.

(about a week later, in my room)

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