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Mina POV

I'll never forget. All your words of comfort. Even if you pull me away from you, I wont blame you.

The next thing I knew, I was in my room. My clothes were completely changed. I got up and walked down to find Jihyo and Sana.

"babe, she's awake"

"oh- Mina.. how are you feeling?" as I took my sit.

"im okay, just feeling a bit of pain.."

"where?" Jihyo placed her hand on my forehead. "you're not burning up. I guess y/n did a good job taking care of you last night"

"omo..you're heating up" Jihyo eyes enlarged.

the effects y/n has on me. I wonder where she is now.

"its okay" I said as I slowly removed her hand.


"babe, if she say she's okay. She's okay. Don't be such a mom" Sana laughed and Jihyo just rolled her eyes as she went upstairs.

Sana took a seat infront of me as she hand me a hot cocoa.

"Jihyo can be like that sometimes, don't mind her" as sana rest her chin on her hand while the other resting on the table.

"how.. did you two meet?" I nervously asked.

"through y/n" she gave a smile.

Minatozaki Sana, a player? She looks like a snake that can steal your man or girl anytime. Big time..

"you love jihyo. Why?"

"through what I heard, you love to ask questions" and she smiled again.

"well, I love her for her ofc. I'll tell you the story next time. Rest well" as she went upstairs.

After some time, she came back. I felt so much better afterwards.

"hey" you gave that angelic smile as you sat beside me, "feeling better?" and all I did was nod as I took another sip of the hot cocoa.

"how's sana?"

I laughed.

"ahh I see... they did it?" and I nodded. Poor you. Having to listen to that. You know so much about your sister. I envy her.

"how's nayeon?"

"oh she's okay. You should meet her" you gave that smile of yours that I can never look away and nodded in response.

"cool. How about tonight?" and I nodded again.

"yah! Unnie! I bringing the girls over tonight and Mina can meet everyone! And please.. stop! Poor Mina!" I blushed at how cute you were as you shouted at your sister.

Few minutes later, Park Jihyo came down, "yah, can you not shout?" as she playfully hit you on your shoulder.

"can you two not be so horny when we have a guest?" y/n joked and jihyo hit her. Right now, Park Jihyo and Park y/n is my family.

Night came, and some girls started walking in along with Yoo Jeongyeon and Chou Tzuyu. We all sat at the living room and they started to introduce themselves.

Son Chaeyoung. She looks like a cub but a bad bitch at the same time.

Kim Dahyun. She's really really white.. and bright.. like a tofu? Very cute.

Hirai Momo. She looks very fit. Like an athletic or dancer? Her clothes are amazing beautiful. Her fashion sense is woah.

And then came in her... Im Nayeon..

She hugged everyone and then introduced herself to me.

I notice she has bunny teeth.. and her sense of fashion that bad either..

(author-nim oso have bunny teeth and if nayeon can love herself, so can I ☺️)

I noticed how you were looking at her. After minutes turn to hours and after all the talks, they all went home. I decided to go the balcony to get some fresh air.

I sighed as I stare out to the sparkling night.

"hey.." as I felt hands on my shoulder. I thought it was just Jihyo but I was wrong.. it was you..

"you seem to be very uncomfortable.. is everything okay?"

You noticed huh? I thought I was just invisible to you...

"is it about the girls? it's okay. It'll take time. They're actually very sweet when you get to know them"

I'm trying to ignore you but you are making this so hard for me.. park y/n..

"is it about the kiss at the park..."

Park y/n.. so straight forward huh..

"its okay. I'm not gonna hate you for it" she gave me a back hug.

"y/n.. are you and Nayeon together?"

A normal person were to expect a 'no' so that they will feel relieved, however, for me that wasn't the case.

I expected to hear a 'yes'. It was so obvious that the two were so in love.

"no we're not. We're just childhood friend. Nayeon is the only closest friend I have" and I turned around to face her.

"I don't hate you Mina but please give everyone a chance" as she held my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up. I nodded in response and left.

It's too early for me to confess. Plus, she only knew me for only a few days. It's best to just get along as friends for now.

The next day came, it was an outing, for the ten of us. I was really nervous but Jihyo was always there for me and so was Sana. Y/N bought food and drinks for everyone as we picnic on the beach.

I listened to y/n and wanted to give myself and everyone a chance and she was right. It's not all that bad to make some new friends. Everyone 2as so sweet.

I too made good laughs and jokes with nayeon. The day became awesome and I knew I didn't want to lose any of them. It may seem to sudden but I feel it in my heart.

However.. little did I know.. that everything will slowly disappear...

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