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3rd person view

Mina and y/n then went on dates. Everything have been going well, however, it didn't really feel the same without the others.

Mina still hasn't removed the thought of jihyo at the park... She's been wanting to tell y/n but she didn't want to ruin her moments with y/n so she's been waiting for the day to talk it out.

Right now, they're on their rooftop, looking at the beautiful night sky, their hands tangled with each other.

"i love everyday with you" y/n have Mina a peck and Mina blushed.

Mina took a deep breath.

"what's wrong babe?"

"we need to talk"

y/n gulped.

"w-what's up baby?"

"before we met... I was following this girl... she.. she looked exactly like your sister..."

"what do you mean?"

"y/n... I know what I saw... I know you're gonna think I'm crazy but y'know how jihyo only has those features... well... -"

"its her..." y/n couldn't breath.

Mina didn't know what to do but she knew she had to tell y/n.

"w-where did you see her?" y/n asked.

"at the park"

"which park?" y/n sounds very persistent.

"y/n stop. Maybe I was wrong. Okay... We all saw her-"

"tell me which Park?" y/n showed an angry expression.

"alright alright.. Chill out.. I'll bring you there" Mina and Y/N then headed to that park.


"here, right there, at that spot. She was wearing a hoodie but I ain't blind.  I had a feeling it was her. She-"

"what happen when you saw her?"

"she ran away so I figured it was her. Well not run away but more of a fast walk" Mina and y/n sounds like two detectives on a case like for real.

Y/N then clenched her fist. Mina furrowed her eyebrows.

"what are you hiding Park y/n.." Mina thought to herself.

Y/N then brought Mina home.

"y/n I'm sorry but-"

"its okay. Its not your fault"

As Y/N drove the car back home, Mina was looking out the cafe window when she saw someone familiar.

"was that Sana?!" Mina thought to herself.

"so what happen to you and Nayeon?" y/n asked.

"oh- uhh well... umm.. our friends are dead and we kinda had an argument and she kinda just left me" and y/n just nodded.

Mina thought she would reacted differently... Nayeon is y/n's childhood bestfriend... Mina just thought y/n would have acted at least worried..

"or maybe they too got into a fight.." Mina thought to herself again.

Mina was like being a spy right now because everything that ahs been happening has been so weird for her so she decided to do some digging herself.

So at night while y/n was asleep, she sneaked out.

Sh ewalked to the place where she saw... Well who she think she saw... Sana and Jihyo..

The two loving couple that accepted Mina with open arms and they didn't even think twice of accepting her. How could Mina forget everything those two have done for her? Such a loving couple.

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