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Mina POV

seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours. As I stared into those eyes. Those sparkling eyes. My smile finally returns.

"hello unnie. I just met sana and- oh whose your friend?" as Jihyo went to give y/n a hug. As I expected, you didn't even notice me at all at school..

"she's Mina. Myoui Mina. She'll be living with us due to family problems" and that's when I saw that smile again. I will never get tried of seeing that smile. She walked out to me and extended her hand. I smiled back and we shaked her hands.

"hello Mina. I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you. I hope we can become friends" I smiled at that word 'friend', I couldn't wait. Being friends with your crush. A dream come true indeed.

As night falls and I cuddled into my bed, smiling and replaying that scene again and again. However, as I fall asleep, me wishing for a better dream since now I'm gonna be me friends with my crush.. but that wasn't the case.. the nightmares of my parents trying to kill me came once again..

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in someone's arms. I reckoned it would be jihyo but I saw her at the door. So this person must be...

"are you okay?" as she looked at me.

my world literally just stopped for a moment.

"Mina.." as Jihyo sat beside me.

Not a good start to show her.. aish.. I suck..

"go ahead and rest y/n. I'll take care of her"

"okay unnie" and y/n left the room. I sighed.

"hey its okay, I'm here" I leaned my head againsg jihyo and she brought me into a hug as we laid down together on the bed till next morning..

a bad morning I shall say. Me waking up to let's say a 'couple fight'

I stayed up to see the lovebirds quarreling at the TV area. Y/N then came to me and gave me some popcorn. I was seriously confused.

"why were you in bed with her?!" Sana shouted.

"have some popcorn." y/n smiled.

"Sana.. calm down"

"don't tell me to calm down-"

"oh, don't worry about them. they sometimes fight too but it's so cute but seriously tho, Don't worry about them" y/n giggled and I smiled as I ate popcorn with her. It's nice to see she's talking so casually with me even tho we just met overnight.

"so she's just friend?" Sana said.

"yes babe"

"how do I know you're not lying?" and jihyo went to kiss sana on the lips

"better?" Jihyo smiled and Sana pouted. Y/N was right. They are cute.

"hey.. I wanna apologise for-"

"its fine. you have your reasons. I was worried" my heart just 💓 from her words. (heart shaker 😉)

"are you okay?" and I just nodded. I want to tell you everything but I can't. Not until everything is clear to me and she went downstairs, taking her phone with her.

"unnie, I'm heading out"

"nayeon again?"

"duh. bye unnie. Bye sana unnie"

"bye" Sana waved back.

She's going with nayeon.. and then Jihyo and Sana left for their date. And now it's just me, in this house, all by myself. I thought I would at least be able to talk with y/n but she's gone now..

I sighed and went back into my room. Checking my phone, scrolling through Instagram till I found a photo of nayeon and y/n.. jealousy hit me again..

They look so in love...everyone has everybody and what do I have? Nothing... Nothing... just like how it always has been...

will you ever notice my love for you? Will you ever accept me for who I am?

I walked down go the kitchen to get some water when I saw a note.

'take care of yourself. I'll be back soon :) - Jihyo' I smiled. She really is like a mom.

Then there was a knock at the door. Jeongyeon.

I led her in and soon aftr, another came in. Chou Tzuyu. A foreigner but was born in Korea. How cool.

It was awkward at first but we got along fine afterwards. Tzuyu was my classmate. We barely talked until this very moment.

She was always the quote kid. Never really talked. She scared me, not gonna lie. She looks like that star wars character. Yoda. I laughed at the thought

"what's funny?" jeongyeon asked.

"oh... if you don't mind me saying this.. tzuyu looks like baby yoda"

"ah. I get that alot" and she smiled.

I didn't expect her to be this nice. I guess the saying is true 'don't judge a book by its cover'

We talked and talked, we laughed here and there but I'm really missing y/n.  It still hurts to know that you're with nayeon.. I got the courage to ask the other about you.

"hey.. can I ask something?"

"sure" Tzuyu smiled.

"is y/n seeing anyone?" they both looked at each other and towards me.


is this for real? or maybe just not yet..

I walked out of the house and walked as far as my legs could take me to. I stopped by at a nearby park.

As the day turned dark as it started to pour, everyone ran for shelter but I just continued to walk in the rain. Drenched. There wasn't a point for me to move now...

I looked down as I walked through the cold rainy night but afterwards, there wasn't rain no more. I looked up to see a jacket over me and there was you... how happy I was to see you again.

"cmon let's head for shelter" as you brought me to the nearby shelter. You started caressing my hair. Your warmth, how much I wanted to feel you again.

"what were you doing in that rain?" your worried about me makes me smile but it still doesn't hide the fact that you always hang out with that nayeon. It hurts.

"shouldn't you be with nayeon?"

"i was. but jihyo unnie called, saying you were missing. you left your phone at our house. I got worried and looked for you"

she went to look for me...now I feel bad... she got closer to me and pulled me into a hug. She's so warm.

Something came over me. It was bold of me to do it but I don't regret it.

I looked up and you have that adorable confused look till I gave you a kiss on your lips. 

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