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Jeongyeon POV

We went to visit the graveyard of Jihyo, Sana, Momo and Tzuyu.

We all went except for y/n.

We tried to bring her but she didn't say a word. She just locks herself on her room.

I went to Jihyo's tomb.

"hey jihyo... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't bring her here today. She just wouldn't listen to any of us... Ji.. So you remember when she got mad and she wouldn't listen to me or nayeon but only to you? Haha.... I missed you jihyo.. I wish I can hug you again.." I teared up as I said those words.

Suddenly, a car pulled up. We turned and the person was y/n.

Everyone made way for her.

Y/N went to Jihyo's tomb and immediately got her knees and cried.

"unnie... I missed you... I want to hug you so badly... I-I didn't know you would leave me this quickly... I planned so many things to do together but then you were gone... I don't know what to do unnie..."

Mina went up to her and gave her a hug and so did everyone else. Everyone hugged her as she cried.

"unnie... Remember when momo almost burned down your kitchen... Haha... Remember when sana would always stop you from caring about too much... Unnie... I'm sorry... I couldn't stop it.. Now tzuyu is gone... Unnie... What do I do when I don't have you here with me... " and she just start looked down and cried.

Time moved on so fast. It was now 3pm. Y/N told us to go back home but we refuse.

"please" y/n begged and we just left.

It was now getting late... like late late.. if jihyo was still around.. y/n would have gotten a huge scolding from her unnie.. haha... I miss your voice jihyo...

Before one of us could call her, the front door suddenly bursts opened and y/n angrily walking into her bedroom.

None of us wanted to confront her... no one... we were too afraid so to speak..

The next day came.. she was still stuck in her room... and we just went on with our normal life... then the day turned to the next day and the next day turn to next day.

So technically.. its been 4 days since y/n last came out...now we really need to do something... she didn't even come out omec to eat... she did bath, I mean there's a bathroom in her bedroom so it's should be fine.. but no food...

We all look at one another to see who should go in there..

Y/N is much much scary when she's mad or upset like a volcano eruption.

Everyone was eyeing on Mina and Nayeon..

"Nayeon should go.. you're her childhood bestfriend right? So you should go unnie" chaeyoung said.

"me? No... I think Mian should go. She's her girlfriend afterall..." nayeon pointed to Mina.

Mina gulped, "yah, you're the only one that knows her the longest. I've only dated her for a few months and you've known her for years"

"i vote nayeon" I said and Nayeon glared at me, "what? according to the years, you knew her more years than me" I shrugged.

"but she won't talk to me. Remember last time? Only she talks to Mina." Nayeon pouted.

"just do it already!" Dahyun said angrily.

"tofu..." Mina said.

"i know... I know... I'm sorry... I'm just... sorry" dahyun sighed.

"its okay" and Mina gave her a hug.

"im sorry dahyun" nayeon apologised and dahyun said, "it's okay. I should be sorry"

"ill go in" Mina said as she walked into y/n's room.

Mina POV

I walked in and she wasn't there but there was a note.

'I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. I'm not committing suicide or anything like that. Just... Goodbye Mina'

what... h-how did she know that I'll be the one reading this...

Jeongyeon POV

We saw Mina going in so it must be a good sign right? but she immediately came out after... crying...


"she's g-gone..." and she passed us the note...

Mina POV

and every since y/n left... nothing but bad luck came to us... as it continues..

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