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Mina POV

It's been days y/n.. where are you.. why did you leave me... leave us..

ever since you left...I-I just needed you...

Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon are now dead.... what's left is only me and Nayeon.. please y/n... where did you go?

days turn to weeks, we've been trying to call you but nothing. We are searching for you but still no luck.

The police department still hasn't found the killer or you.. please come back home... I miss you... I need you...

Dahyun and Chaeyoung were on their way out to get some food while the three of us stayed home.

Unfortunately... those two went missing... they weren't even spotted in any cctvs... and as for Jeongyeon.. she went to search for them alone...

And right now, me and Nayeon are trying our hardest to find you. Why did you leave us...

I know it must be so hard for you to lost your sister but we are all in pain. We were all there for you.. Where did you go...

All this thinking and search made me get constant headache... Nayeon would always take care of me... Like a mom... reminds me so much of jihyo..

y/n, I beg you where did you go?


On September 4th,

Nayeon and I went to a cafe. Its a new cafe. I loved the drinks there...

Nayeon suggested to stop searching for awhile but... I can't...

Later at home, we got a knock at the door and it was my parents?

"honey, we missed you-" mom tried to hug me but I backed off.

"missed me?! After everything!"

"honey we're very sorry but we need you to listen please" dad begged.

"no! I'm not listening to you both! After everything! And all you say is sorry?!"

"you have to listen to us" mom said.

"no! You listen to me, my parents are dead. I don't have anymore mom and dad. They are already dead. So don't act like you two are my parents" I growled.

"baby mina-"

"shut up!"

"honey! You're being fooled!" dad shouted.

"yeah I know" I said

"oh thank god. Then why are you-" mom said

"I've always been a fool. You two are disgusting!" I said.

"honey..." mom tried to hold my hand but dad took her hand away.

"cmon. Let's go" and they left.


Mina POV

and then the most unexpected thing happen...


after that incident with my parents... weeks later, me and her got into an argument and she left and didn't come back.

now it's been like I don't know... 8 weeks? Since she left...

it was getting very lonely in the house... plus working isn't really helping me anymore... everywhere is so stressful...

so I decided to take a night walk to get some fresh air.. time to think and whatnot...

until I saw someone familiar.. too familiar...

is that... Jihyo?

no it can't be... but... no one has that chubby cheeks and those eyes like jihyo does...

only jihyo has that type of face... even if anyone paid millions for a plastic surgery... nobody would look as the same as the Park Jihyo..

I went closer... and I'm 100% it's her but how... she's dead... its been months... since she got hit by a car... how could this be...

she's by herself... before I could reach out to her, she walked away. She was walking so fast. I followed her.

till I lost her... DANG IT

I tried to look for her until I was pushed into an alley, against the wall and my mouth was being covered.

"shhh" the stranger said.

Preventing me from getting killed, I obeyed.

"that's my girl" the stranger panted.


The stranger took off her mask and I couldn't believe it... after all this time...

"y/n!" I hugged her and she hugged me back, "shhh be quiet till I know that they're gone then we'll talk" and I nodded.

minutes later, y/n immediately took my hand and we got into her car.

"you have a car?!" and she nodded.

She drove to our house...

"what happen to you?" I asked.

"nothing happened" she said in a cold tone.

she looked out the window and went back to me and stared into my eyes.

"y/n wants wrong-"

and she kneeled down on one knee.


kill me" she handed me a gun.

"wait wut... y/n.. what are you-"

"kill me"

"no. Get up. I'm not killing anybody" she sighed.

"why do you want me to kill you?"

she clenched her fist.

"after everything I did to you, left you out of the blue, our friend dying, don't you hate me one bit?!"

something really happen..

"no why would I hate you. I loved you for a reason y/n" I said and she was panting.

"how about we restart everything again?" she said and I gladly nodded. She smiled.

??? POV


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