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Mina POV

I've been trying to figure out everything but still nothing.

"hey.." I got startled by nayeon.

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to startle you" nayeon giggled.

y/n was at work and I decided to let Nayeon stay at out house for a short period.

"hey nayeon..."


"i need your help"

I hope I'm making the right choice.

"remember when I said I saw someone at the park?"


"well.. I saw someone who looks exactly like Park Jihyo. Y/N's unnie. And not only that. I saw her with my dad and she was laughing so evilly and next thing I know was that I saw Minatozaki Sana"

"Mina...are you sure you saw them? I mean it could be just your imagination-"

"my imagination?"

"i mean you could miss them so badly that-"

"nayeon. If you help me, I'm sure you'll believe me. Please help me"

Nayeon sighed but she agreed to it anyways.

We agreed to act normally around y/n just in case and would sometimes take the opportunity to hang out and look for the two familiar girls.

(time skip)

still no sign of 'Park Jihyo' and 'Minatozaki Sana'



"we've been spending so much time to find the two. I think you're really just hallucinating. We all saw them get buried" as nayeon placed one of her hands on my shoulder. I sighed.

"alright fine. We'll go" i piyted and we both started walking to the car.

Nayeon POV

silly Mina...

and suddenly she pulls me by the shoulder..

"hey what-" she placed one of her hand over my mouth and the other pointing at someone.

"looks it's her" and she pulled us closer.

"Mina-ah that's not-"

"shhh" and she covered my mouth with her hand. -_-

so we just stayed there and...

Mina POV

Cmon just turn around already and yes! Park Jihyo!

I turned to see Nayeon's eyes wide open. She finally believes! Yes!

(omg. I just realised 'eyes wide open' 😳 I'm a genius?! lol no okay bye haha)

after a while, she left. I wanted to follow but nayeon grabbed me and brought me home.

"what are you doing? We have to-"

"do what? Follow her? Mina-ah are you crazy?!"

"of course I am. That is Park Jihyo. Y/N 's unnie. Y/n would be so happy-"

"and we'll celebrate"

"well yeah..."

"Mina-yah, I know you mean well but this isn't right. Even if it may be jihyo, there's no point in following her. What if its a trap?"

"how will it be a -"

"please Mina. Not now" and Nayeon went upstairs and I just sat at the couch.

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