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{Third Person POV}

"I... I..."Mina was hesitant.

"M-Mina..." Jihyo was trying to speak but couldn't.

"we don't have all day" Sana furrowed her eyebrows.

"I choose Jihyo.." Mina finally decided.

Y/N and Sana's eyes widen.

Mina then helped Jihyo up. However, they were all arrested and placed in a very special cell.

Y/N then locked them up, "Mina, you still have a chance to join me instead"

Mina looked down and look back at y/n, "I'm sorry" and y/n just sighed and walked away.

"Mina... you didn't have to do that you know... you could have lived your life" dahyun said.

"no, you guys are my friends. You stayed with me and took me in despite what I'm going through. And right now, I'm going to do the same" and they all went into a group hug.

(time skip)

Food was then served to them. Sana and Y/N came in to check up on them.

"Mina? Still haven't changed your mind?" Sana asked and Mina said, "I'll never change it. It's settled"

"your choice then" and Sana left.

"y/n... wait..." Jihyo called out, "why are you doing this? Arent we sisters? Don't sisters stick together?"

Y/N's face was ice cold, "you were adopted, Jihyo. We're not related and will never be" and y/n left.

"Jihyo!" Jeongyeon shouted as Jihyo fell to the ground.

Everyone then went to her.

"ill kill that bitch... both of them.." Jihyo said as she looked down and clenched her fist.

"we will get revenge" Nayeon said.

Moments later, Chaeyoung came out with an idea, "let's escape through there" and everyone smirked.

The alarm then went off.

*insert alarm sounds*

"Jeongyeon, got your device?" dahyun asked.

"I always do" jeongyeon winked as she took out her little device.

As she pressed it, a car immediately came driving in.

"what the-"

"we'll explain later, mina. Now get in" Nayeon said and Jeongyeon started the engine.

{at their hideout}

"I cant believe y/n would still betray us after she's been back stabbed once" dahyun said.

"it's all part of the plan..." Jeongyeon said as she rubs Jihyo's back.

Jihyo wasn't crying, she was just looking down with her fists clenched to the couch.

"ill make Sana pay..."Jihyo mumbled.

"and we will jihyo" Mina said as she placed her hand on Jihyo's right shoulder.

Suddenly jihyo stood up, "everyone get ready! There's gonna be alot of bloodshed"

Jeongyeon held her hand, "Jihyo... please, you're not-"

"when I say now, we go now" Jihyo death glared and Jeongyeon obeyed.

{time skip, Sana POV}

"how dumb is she? To follow such people..." y/n was disappointed.

"tell me about it..." i shook my head with my arms crossed.

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