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On June 3rd,

everyone couldn't move on from Jihyo's death especially y/n and Sana.

Sana wanted to propose to her that day but it happened.. Ever since then, Sana hasn't been herself lately. She's always in here, always afraid to go out even just outside her room.

I walked in to find her on the bed, cuddling onto Jihyo's hoodie as she cried.

"hey.." as I sat beside her.

"*sniff* it still smells like her"

I didn't know what to do but to just give her hug and she immediately broke down. Her eyes were so red and puffy. Sana has been crying for god knows how long.

On the other hand, y/n was literally no where to be found. Not in her room. Not anywhere in the house. Tried to contact her but nothing. We got worried.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon who were on the search came back and couldn't find her.

"im so tired Mina.. why must it be her... why..."

I stayed by her side till night fall and she fell asleep. I went downstairs where everyone was waiting for y/n. She came back. I was so worried.

"babe.. where did you go? we were so worried" and I ran to her. She gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

"you girls should be at home and asleep"

"we'll stay by sana's side" jeongyeon said and they all went into Sana and Jihyo's room.

and we went to our room.

She took off her hoodie and threw it onto the chair and crashed into bed.

I smiled at her, "yah, you should at least take a bath"

"why? Am I too smelly for my princess?" she tried to hug me but I ran.

"yes, now go and bath. You stink"

She laughed and headed for the showers. I know she's hurting inside but there's nothing I can do..

She just lost her sister.. someone that she loves since day 1 and someone that no one is able to replace.

Park Jihyo, a person who always take cares of others before herself. She always make me soup and makes sure I was okay or that I drank water. She was so sweet to me and her sister. Park Y/N must really love her like alot. I mean ofc she does.

I don't know what to do but to just at least be by her side from now on.

The next day came and when we thought sana would go missing.. Instead it was y/n...

Where are you y/n...

I called you but to no avail. I kept calling but still nothing. I sighed and Sana gave me a back hug.

"how about we.. go out? a girls day out? maybe y/n just needed some fresh air.. and I think I should too"

I gave her smile and nodded. We all got ready and went out.

Although I'm happy to be by sana's side, I was extremely worried for y/n.

Suddenly, Sana linked her arm around mine with a smile.

"thanks for coming out with me and the girls. I know you're worried about your girlfriend"

"Sana.. I'm so sorry for what happened to Jihyo.." she looked down and sighed.

"its okayy, its not your fault. Things happens for a reason I guess" she gave a weak smile and I just gave her a hug. As we walked with our hands linked together, we saw y/n.

Sana ran and gave her a back hug. We all followed behind.

The next day came. Sana gone and y/n just sitting there on the couch with her face buried in her hands.


"i couldn't save her... I couldn't save her Mina!" she screamed and everyone else starting breaking down.

Another soul lost.


"she fell to her death Mina.. she.. Ugh" all I could do was give her a hug.

"Sana!!" Momo fell to the ground.

"this wouldn't have happen if... if... Jihyo wasn't...." y/n was finding hard to breath.

who shot jihyo? and why?

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