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??? POV

"i think you hit her too hard"

"eh at least she ain't bleeding"

"shut up you two"

"when she will wake up?"

"don't know"

Mina POV

I opened my eyes to see 7 strangers standing before me. My vision was blurry so I couldn't tell how they looked like.

??? POV

"well she looked freaking drunk"

"i mean you hit her with a bat so.."

Mina POV

I got to recover after a few seconds. I shooked my head and looked at the 7 strangers.

They all looked so familiar..

wait hold up...

"Jeongyeon, Sana, Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Nayeon...."

"surprise to see us?" Momo smirked.

"you guys are alive how..." i started to tear up a little.

"save the tears for later. You're gotta need a lot of it for later" Sana smirked.

Seconds later, someone came in through the front door..


"you remember seeing my love don't you Mina?" Sana smiled.

"remember seeing her at the park? Jihyo and I and the girls miss you dearly. So be a good girl and listen" Sana said.

Jihyo... the sweet jihyo... what has become of you...

She walked up to me.

"nice to meet you again Mina"

"Jihyo... but we- I saw you get buried-"

"you mean someone else" Jihyo giggled.

"Jihyo... what's going on?  Wheres y/n?"

She laugh. "you see Mina-ssi...you're gonna help us with a little something if you wanna live"

"and what is it?"

"it was fun playing with you but the real thing begins now. We need you to get on good terms with your dad. A simple task. No harm."

"you want me to gte back with my awful dad? Why exactly are you doing this?"

"*sigh* Mina-yah, your dad has a little something that we need. We're not mean or anything. It's just that...we need to take back what's ours. Nothing wrong about that right?"

"we know you had your dad. That's why we're proposing this offer to you" Jihyo continued..

"and what do I get in returned?"

Jihyo smiled, "you'll stay with us. Be with us. Just like the good old days. And most importantly, you'll live"

I look at her in disbelief.

"alright fine.. it would also get your dad in jail or you get to do whatever you want with him" Jihyo said.

I breathed out, "alright fine. I'll do what you please but on one condition"

"and what would that be?" Jihyo smirk.

"y/n is safe" and they all started laughing.

"of course she'll be safe, she's my sister. Like for real. Anyways, go back home tomorrow and settle things down with your dad. And I'll let you know the next step"

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