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Your P.O.V.

Stupid work, stupid life, stupid me. Everything today has just gone wrong, from being sacked to burning my dinner. I'd call Haru, but I don't want to disturb him with whatever he's doing. Besides, the guy is always working so hard, and at the end of the day, he is exhausted. As if he knew what was wrong, I hear my phone ring and notice it is the brown haired boyfriend of mine.

"Hey Sunshine, how are you today?" He asks sweetly, I can almost sense his radiant energy through the phone. Holding back the tears that were threatening to fall, I muster up all the courage I have before speaking.

"H-Hey babe...I am fine, thank you. What about you, work not too much of a hassle?" I ask while I quietly curse at myself for stuttering. Haru was bound to know that something was up now for sure. The line went quiet for a while, making me become very nervous to what he was about to say next.

"Open the door."

'Uh, what?' I think to myself, still holding the phone against my ear as I make my way to the front door, slowly reaching for the handle. There standing on the doorstep, is my beloved boyfriend, holding a bouquet of assorted sunflowers and red roses with a sweet smile upon his lips.

"I heard you got fired, sorry about that. But I promise it'll be ok, these are for you." The golden eyed male speaks, handing the flowers out for me to take from his grasp. Why can't all guys be just as sweet as Haru, anyone would die for a significant other like him.

Retrieving the bouquet from him, I can't help but smile as a few tears roll down my face. The tall male in front of me immediately panics and begins to apologise while wiping my tears with his sleeve, thinking I don't like the flowers, saying that he can take them back in replace for a new bouquet of my choice.

I let out a small chuckle, telling him that they are tears of joy and that I love the flowers making him sigh in relief.

"Good, I was worried there for a second. Now go on the couch and put something on while I make us some dinner and put your flowers in a vase." He speaks, ruffling my hair before walking into the house and taking back the flowers from me. I nod and thank him before heading to the living room to find something to watch.

I need a good cry to get all the stress off my chest from today so pull up Banana Fish and put it on pause until Haru comes back with the food.

"I am back and have pizzaaaa!!" My lover sings while doing a small dace into the room and placing the food onto the table before sitting next to me. His gaze sets upon the television as he raises an eyebrow.

"What have you put on for us to watch?" He asks as he averts his golden orbs to me after grabbing a slice of pizza and nibbling on it like a rabbit would.

"Oh it's Banana Fish, it's about a war between a mafia boss named Dino and a young gang leader searching for redemption. It's sad but really good, my favourite character is Ash. I just want to give him a loving hug after all he's been through." I say also grabbing a pizza slice and eating it, savouring every bite I take. Pressing play, I prepare myself to get emotional from the heart wrecking anime on screen for the second time. Yes, it's my second time watching it, don't judge.

Minutes pass by and tears are streaming down my face like Niagara Falls from seeing Skipper get shot. The male beside me though, different story, he's not crying at all. Haru just looks down at me with a soft smile and turns off the TV since the episode had finished, not mentioning how late it is.

"Hey, it's alright, it is just an anime." He chuckles, ruffling my hair but all I do is cry harder, grabbing a tissue and blowing my nose. I hear him sigh, and what he does next takes me by surprise. The male pulls me close by the waist and lays me on his chest and cuddles me. This is the first time we have cuddled, ever.

"H-Haru?" I stutter as a small blush spreads across my cheeks from being this close to him. All he does is shush me while he keeps an arm wrapped around me, while he runs a hand through my hair gently.

"You've had a rough day, just allow this to happen. Besides, when cuddling with someone you care about, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that calms you and makes you more likely to deal better with stress." The male smiles down at me, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"C-Could we do this more? It's very comforting." I ask, only for him to nod in response. After a while of cuddling and Haru humming a relaxing tune, I start to feel myself drift off into a peaceful slumber.

"Good night, Haru...and thank you, again, for today." Then just like that, I'm out like a light. The male hugging me sighs happily, giving me a kiss on the cheek as he hugs me closer.

"Good night, my little cuddle bug."

Sunflower || 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now