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requested: lovetodraw47

So this is linked to the two chapters before the previous one before hand :) thanks for requesting this, I had a lot of fun writing it :D

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So this is linked to the two chapters before the previous one before hand :) thanks for requesting this, I had a lot of fun writing it :D

- HaruXF!reader


Your P.O.V.

"I don't think I can do this, Sunshine. What if he hangs me by my legs?! I'd never get to see our child then." My husband panics beside me, as we sit outside my parents house in the car. Today, the pair of us have come to tell them some great news, but Haru is scared stiff to what my Father might say and do. This has been going on all week since I told them we would visit.

Letting out a sigh, I place a gentle hand on his shoulder while he grips the steering wheel with both of his trembling hands.

"For the twelfth time, it's going to be ok. He won't lay a finger on you. Besides, he gave you his blessing for us to get married so all is good. If it was some stranger however, he would beat them till they're black and blue or to an early grave even." I say with a soft smile in hopes to calm his nerves.

The male breathes out deeply, relaxing himself a little before taking my hand and pressing a chaste kiss on my knuckles. I'm so happy I got to marry this man, and it's all thanks to Lucy for running off when she did. Speaking of, once we moved in together, Haru and I adopted her since no one was doing so.

"Alright, I feel a bit more relaxed, thanks beautiful." He smiles radiantly, showing his pearly white teeth which reminded me of freshly fallen snow. As I'm about to hop out of the car, the man I'm proud to call my husband, stops me before running round just so he can open the door for me. He's such a dork, but he's my dork.

Stepping out, I thank the golden eyed male, leaving a sweet kiss on his cheek while taking his hand in mine. The two of us have already planned out how we are going to tell my parents that I'm expecting and we cannot wait to see the confusion on their faces, that's only if they fall for it.

"Mum, Dad. We're here!" I call out upon opening the door with my house key that I've had since I was first given it. Peeping her head around the corner of the living room, my Mother smiles and makes her way over to us, with arms wide open. Brining Haru and I into a hug, she asks how we both are then tells us that Dad had gone to get some milk since they had ran out.

"Can I get you both anything to eat? You must be hungry after that long car journey." The elder woman asks, leading us through to the kitchen. Politely declining, Haru and I sit at the table with her as we wait for my old man to return. I am currently two months pregnant, so the bump isn't all that noticeable to the eye. Before long, my Dad walks into the kitchen, milk in hand, and puts it into the fridge.

"Ah, hi you two. Been here long?" The male asks, making us shake our heads in response. All four of us catch up and discuss what we all have been up to for the past few months, not having seen one another in person for a long time. Half way through, my husband and I share this look, knowing full well that we're thinking the same thing.

"So, you had something to te-" My Dad goes to speak but gets interrupted by Haru.

"There's a bun in the oven." The brown haired male says suddenly, causing both my parents to stare at him in complete confusion. A few more seconds pass, and as suspected, the elder man stands from his seat before looking in the oven. The pair of us stifle back our laughter while we watch him search in complete uncertainty.

"I can't see no bun, are you pulling my leg boy?" He asks, looking back at Haru. I could tell that the old man was questioning everything right now. My husband just repeats himself over and over again, hoping that my Dad, even my Mum, will catch on to what we're saying.


"I MEAN THERE'S A BUN IN THE OVEN!" The golden eyed male yells back, but not in an angry way. By now, Dad is clearly ticked off and is about to blow a fuse for not finding this certain "bun" that so happens to be in the oven. Rolling her eyes, my Mother pushes aside my old man and takes a look herself.

"Let me see, you're just clearly blind and stupid. If he says there's a bun in the oven, there must be. I may just send you to the old people's home early if you keep this up." Damn ok, never knew she had that in her. By now, Haru and myself are almost dying from how clueless the pair of them are. Surely they have heard of the saying before, right? With no avail, the elder woman stands up, looking in our direction.

"Alright, the both of us have looked and your Father is right, there is no bun. Just what in hea-" Just as if a lightbulb had went off, my Mothers hands fly up to her mouth in surprise with wide eyes, still leaving my Dad stand completely clueless, just like the confused Nick Young meme everyone knows all too well.

"Can someone explain what the hell is going on, I am clearly the only one who's brain dead here." He speaks, arms crossing his chest while pouting slightly. Chuckling, Haru and I stand up together, as my husband wraps an arm around my waist, while his free hand rests on my stomach.

"There's a bun in the oven, get in now, old man?" The Father of my child speaks, a delicate smile on his lips while locking gaze with the man across the room. Blinking a few times, Dad finally catches on and gasps.

"Y-You're pregnant?" He questions, only for us to nod in response. It took them a lot longer than I was hoping, but it was totally worth it, the reactions we got were just hilarious. My Mum rushes over, crying with joy as she hugs us both, congratulating Haru and I on first child. So does my Dad, but without the tears.

"We're going to be Grandparents. I've waited all my life for this moment and now it's finally happening!!" My Mother, who is soon to be a Grandmother, squeals with excitement as she shakes my Father like crazy.

"Well that took longer than expected." I chuckle, whispering to my significant other just so he can hear. Haru smiles, only hugging me tighter, but being cautious not to hurt me before leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

"It sure did, I cannot wait to meet our child. You're going to be an amazing Mum, and thank you, for giving me the family I've always wanted."

Sunflower || 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now