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I had massive writers block with this, hope it's to your liking :)

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I had massive writers block with this, hope it's to your liking :)

- HaruXF!reader


Haru's P.O.V.

"Kato, you are such a workaholic. You need to rest every once in a while before you work yourself to death." Kamei, the blonde who sits beside me speaks as he leans back in his reclining chair. Letting out a sigh, I decide to ignore him and continue with what I am doing even though it's almost midnight.

A lot of cases have popped up recently, not to mention a lot of file work I need to complete, that's why I want to get most of it out the way now rather than any later.

"You just don't give up do you? Well I'm off since my shift is over. Don't stay here too late and get home safely. See you." The co-worker I know all to well speaks, waving me goodbye before leaving the building, making me the only one left in the room.

As I am working, my mind wonders to one of my neighbours who go by name Leorio. We've spoken a few times and he seems like a nice guy, but I haven't seen or heard from him in a long while. Well, he is a doctor so he's most likely overworking just like myself. Might pay the lad a visit sometime soon, but for now, it's back to work.

Before I know it, it's already one in the morning, so I turn off my computer and get ready to head home for the night. Kamei is right, I really do need to get more rest, but I need the money so I can pay the bills which are overdue. I would get another job besides the one I have, but I know for sure I would just be even more exhausted than I already am.

Once I arrive outside, climbing into my car, I turn on the radio, only to hear Ho Hey by The Lumineers. It's one of my favourite songs, so I drum on the steering wheel in beat with the music whilst also humming.

Finally after what feels like forever, I reach home and sigh in relief. I may have one drink before bed, I will have to think about it though since it's rather late. Yawning, I lock the car before walking up the stairs to my block, but out of nowhere, a girl I've never seen walks up too.

'Since when did she move in?' I think to no one in particular. What surprises me next is that she stands in front of the door to where Leorio lives. Probably his girlfriend, if that's the case, I'll ask her to pass a message on for me.

Sucking up all the confidence I have in me, I place a hand on her shoulder, making her turn round and locking her gaze with mine. The maiden has h/l h/c hair and skin like a porcelain doll, not to mention her beautiful e/c eyes. Leorio sure has hit the jackpot, good for him.

"Um can I help you or are you planning to abduct me? I haven't got all day you know. So if you're going to, get it out of the way." Wow, cocky much? That's not what I was expecting from her, but wow, her voice is beautiful too. Wait, why am I even thinking this?!! She's already in a relationship with Leorio, well maybe. Snapping out of my daydream, I shake my head before looking back at her.

"S-Sorry, I am just so exhausted. I am just wondering if you could pass a message onto Leorio for me? You see, I live next door and I've not heard from him in a while since I have been busy with work recently. I assume you're his girlfriend?" I speak, yawning a little. In response, the female just stares at me blankly, only blinking every few seconds.

"I beg your pardon, I don't know what you're talking about but I think you've got the wrong person. For I don't know a Leo, Libero or whatever the name was you said, I am nobody's girlfriend and I live here. It's either that or he's moved out." Life take me now, how incredibly small and stupid I feel now. Not only she's not his girlfriend, the woman doesn't even know the guy!! I just want to dig up a hole and stay there forever. Guess it's my fault for over working so much.

"Oh, apologies miss. Guess I got so carried away with work I didn't even notice I have a new neighbour. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you lived here for? It's just that I've not seen you around before." I sure hope it's not too long or I am going to look so stupid, just as stupid like as a sloth. They're so slow, just like I'm being with this situation currently.

"Oh I don't know how long exactly but I would say about six and a half months." Oh sweet Jesus, take the wheel, that long!!? It's official, I now identify as a sloth, no take backs. I apologise to the female repetitively, but she just laughs it off telling me that it's alright and not to worry so much.

"I'm sorry but I never got your name, you seem like a nice guy and I want to get to know you better." The woman to whose name I don't know yet speaks, folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh, the name's Kato Haru, might I ask yours in return?" I learn that her name is Y/n, which is a beautiful name, just like the maiden herself. Before long, we both are bidding goodbye to each other, after talking for like half an hour in the cold.

Of course I lent her my coat since she didn't have one on her, to which she was grateful for. I cannot wait to see where life takes us both, who knows, maybe one day we'll be husband and wife.

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