s i x t y f o u r

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It had been at least another week at this point, Theo was finding it hard to keep moving, her being alone and only having a dog to defend themselves was hard when it came to big groups of walkers.

She was currently hidden under a large tree that had fallen perfectly on a bank to create enough shelter as the night fell.

She yawned as she stroked her new best friend when all of a sudden Saints ears went up before he began to growl.

She sighed, grabbing her knife and staying down.

She was so tired, but she had to keep fighting.

She couldn't give up now. Not when she mad a promise.

"Stay" She demanded only to hear one set off footsteps. A small growl came from around the corner from her before she stood quickly and stabbed the walker straight in the head.

She breathed out exhausted, tired and in desperate need of rest.

She fell to the ground and to her knees. Rubbing her head in tiredness.

Her lip shook as she was overwhelmed with everything, few tears falling from the dehydration, head dipped between her lap as she softly cried.

"Theo?" Someone spoke from behind her causing Saint to bark three times.

Her head snapped up quickly.

"Saint," She said sternly as her eyes met her fathers.

"Dad?" She began to cry before running towards him, throwing her arms around his neck as he held her close. Just like the first time they had been reunited.

She looked over his shoulder to see Carl and Michonne.

"Oh my god" She laughed before running to her brother and hugging him before hugging Michonne.

"Here boy!" Theo called so the dog ran to her.

"I thought, I thought you were all gone," She cried, holding her hand over her mouth.

"We thought you were too," Rick said before hugging her again as Carl ran towards them once again, holding onto one another like there was no tomorrow.

Crying into one another.

This was one of her core memories that was last a life time, she wished she could take a photo and hold onto it forever.

"Have you seen anyone else?" Theo asked, hoping to hear that one name.

"None of our own," Rick admitted. "We bumped into a gang, barely walked away" Rick nodded down to the dog, Rick looked at his daughter sadly. She looked exhausted, dirty and dehydrated. 

He grabbed the water bottle from his bag, passing it to her. 

"Where did you find him?" Rick asked with a smile, happy to see his eldest alive. 

"Before we get into that, where the hell is Judith?" She wondered, noticing the lack of baby whimpers or giggles as she took a sip of water from the water bottle. 

No one said anything.

"No" She shook her head confidently, but as no one said anything more, it had to be true. 

Her eyes closed, hands covering her mouth as she burst into tears.

"Are you sure?" She cried, looking up at her father.

"Pretty sure" Rick was honest, he didn't know if someone got her out, but even if they had, they couldn't even know if they would see her again.

"Did you finish the Governor off when I left you?" Michonne trying to get their mind off Judith.

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