01 | Jean

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Night had fallen on the mansion, yellow lights flooding out of the large windows. Ivy scaled up the side of the old building that had been renovated into a school. Curtains hung high, the library halls were even higher. This was home to so many people and among these was Olivia Xavier though she preferred Liv.

Liv was four and was one of the popular kids at school. Her father was the professor, the man who had given them a home and acceptance as well as a chance to learn how to use their powers. And his wife, though not explicitly a professor, she taught children how to deal with their emotions, how to open up and not shut down like she did.

That's how Evie began chasing her daughter around her room, the yellow walls making the warm light seem lighter. The girls' laughter filling the room and echoing down the empty hall. The students that stayed were asleep by this point and were unbothered by the noise.

The small brunette tried to climb onto the arm chair but her legs were too short. This let Evie sweep up her daughter making the girl let out a yelp before giggling. As they both caught their breaths, they lent their foreheads against each other, feeling the warmth from the other.

"Can you tell me one more story please mum?" Liv asked her mother as she opened her big blue eyes.

Evie's eyes opened and she raised her brows, removing her head from her daughters and walking towards the bed. "Isn't it time you go to bed?" She asked in a knowing tone.

"One more, one more!" Liv pleaded as she was placed down in her bed.

The little girl pushed out her bottom lip, pouting, as she widened her young, innocent eyes. Immediately, the mother knew what was going on. Evie covered her eyes, pretending to be blinded by her daughter.

"No, not the puppy eyes! You know I can't resist them!" The women called out dramatically. An adorable giggle left Liv's mouth which caused Evie to cave in. "Okay, snuggle in." She told her daughter as she sat on the bed, letting Liv snuggle into her side. "Let me tell you a romantic story about how a girl fell in love with a boy."

A disapproving groan left Liv's mouth. "That's like ... every love story ever." She complained with a large sigh.

"Well, love doesn't have to be between boys and girls. It can between girls and girls, boys and boys. Love is love and it shouldn't be stopped." Evie explained simply, watching as her daughter stared up at her with interest. "However not many people agree with me."

Liv's eyebrows furrowed inwards in confusion. "Why not?"

"That's just the way the world works." Evie stated in a sad tone. The young girl frowned when she noticed her mother's upset face.

"Well I don't like it. When I'm older, I'm gonna save the world and make everything fair." Liv exclaimed in a righteous tone which made Evie laugh.

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