02 | Serenity

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As years went on, the school grew more popular for mutant children and teenagers. The School for The Gifted becoming a hot topic within mutants, debating whether it was good for young people or not. They always came to the same conclusion; it was safer then the real world.

Behind the safe walls, among the students, stood Liv Xavier who was now seventeen.

Her hands were stretched out, eye screwed tightly shut as she tried to focus. Her face twisted as she tried to use her mutation, the swift breeze of the air pushing her hair off her shoulders. With a large sigh, Liv opened her eyes hesitantly to see her work. Much to her dismay, the small seed that was planted under the ground had not blossomed into a large tree.

"I give up." Liv exclaimed as she dropped to the floor, laying her arm over her eyes to shield them from the sun.

"And why's that?" The voice of her mother questioned. The teenager heard the grass crunch next to her, she assumed her mother had sat down.

"I just feel like I'm not getting anywhere." Liv replied truthfully, removing her arm and looking to her mother. "All this training is for nothing."

Evie raised her brow at the words. "You know what I think? I think that developing power's takes time. We all can't be like your dad, alright? He was naturally good at using his mutation." Evie told her, a small amount of bitterness in her voice which made Liv chuckle. "But I wasn't, I needed help."

"But you're good at it now, this is different." The blue eyed girl complained as she looked to the sky.

"I'm really not good with talking about mutation, this is your dad's forte." Evie muttered to herself. She clenched her jaw as she looked to the horizon, trying to think of something to help. That's when she saw something. "Do you see that satellite over there?"

Liv lifted her head slightly, looking at the satellite then back to her mother. "Are you going to tell me about radio-waves now?" She questioned the women, almost teasing her.

"Well, it used to face another way until your uncle Erik changed it's direction." Evie told her, not bothering to supress the smile on her lips at the remark.

The teenager's eyes widened as she slowly sat up, awe starting to shine in her eyes. "Wait he did?"

Evie nodded in confirmation. "But before that, he struggled to move anything larger then a gun. The crazy man tried to stop a submarine." The women went on to explain. Taking a note of Liv's impressed look, she quickly continued, "It didn't work."

"So what changed?" Liv asked after a moment, placing her hands in her lap.

"He found a point between rage and serenity, a happy memory he could latch onto." Evie explained simply, glancing over to her daughter.

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