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The hijacking of Charles Xavier's car by his daughter went surprisingly well. They had gotten to the nearest Mall extremely fast and none of the were dead. It was going good so far.
Liv climbed out of the back of her dad's car and stretched her arms, exclaiming, "I'm surprised you didn't crash Scott." Her voice was full of tease and no hint of seriousness.
Scott rolled his eyes as he locked the car, quickly joining her in her spot. "Okay, have a little faith in me." He told her, a cracked grin on his face.
The five made their way inside, admiring the tall, glass ceiling as well as the hundreds of shops that seemed to be in there. Also, there was so many people inside. It was like no other experience and it was awesome.
Kurt clapped his hands together in excitement, looking to his friends to guide him. "So, what do we do first?" He asked.
"I know an arcade around here." Scott shrugged his shoulders, tilting his head to wear the name SPACE PORT read.
The blue skinned teenager couldn't help but look around, his eyes full of wonder like a new born child. "This place is like a temple. I've never seen anything more beautiful." He exclaimed mainly to himself but Liv overheard. A few children walked past them, staring in awe. "They don't fear us." He muttered in disbelief.
"You're right," Liv confirmed with a smile, "They don't."
The travel to Space Port was quick and just as quickly, the teenagers were already on all of the games. A competition had broken out between Jean and Liv, their goal was to see how many games they could win overall. Jean was winning and Liv was being a sore loser.
"You're cheating." Liv exclaimed in frustration as she pressed the game button hard.
Jean chuckled, watching her friend rage at a game was amusing. "No I'm not." She denied quickly.
Liv sighed deeply, trying to find some other excuse to why she was losing and not one that meant she was bad. "Then you're reading my mind." Liv replied.
"I don't need telepathy to know you're flapping to the top, you do it every time." Jean retaliated before the 'Game Over' sign popped up. Jean had one again.
Liv groaned in annoyance, rubbing her hands over her face. Jean watched, sympathy rising up in her before she offered, "Give me a rematch?"
The brunette's eyes lit up and Liv exclaimed, "You're on, Grey." Before she went back to the game to lose again.
After playing every game in Space Port, they all decided Kurt needed to try a milkshake. Surprisingly, he'd never had one but Liv didn't ask what his upbringing was like. It wasn't her place to know.
An array of colourful and tasteful drinks were placed on their table and the teenagers quickly grabbed the ones they had ordered. Hastily, Liv started to drink her Strawberry Swirl Milkshake through it's red and white striped straw.