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When everyone woke up from the blast, their heads felt like they were going to explode. Fuzzy white noise turned into people speaking and blurry outlines turned into friends. There was an uncomfortable green light that shone around them, making the headaches worse.
A high pitch scream emitted from Peter's mouth as he spotted Hank in his blue Beast form. "What? What's wrong with you? Is that going to happen to all of us?" He questioned quickly as he started to touch his chest, making sure he was still human.
Everyone seemed to be fully awake now. "No, I just left my meds at the house." Hank sighed deeply, looking at his blue hands.
For Evie, this was a lot harder. The explosion had damaged her hearing aids and now she couldn't hear anything apart from the long buzz that she had grown used to. Her friends seemed to be calling out to her, trying to make sure she was okay.
But she couldn't hear them. She couldn't even lip read because her vision was still blurry.
Evie stared at them, shaking her head lightly. "I can't hear you." She tried to tell them, motioning to her ears. She didn't know if they could hear her, after all she couldn't hear her own voice.
A gentle hand laid itself on her shoulder which made the woman jump. On edge, Evie span to see Moira standing there, a soft smile on her lips. Without trying to exchanged words, Moira motioned to her hearing aids. Evie nodded in understanding.
With slow movements, careful not to hurt Evie, Moira reattached a broken wire that was causing the hearing aids to break. A shock was sent through Evie's ear which made her mutter, "Ow!" Much to her surprise, she could hear herself. Only out of the one ear though.
"Sorry," Moira apologised with a grimace. "I have to do the other one now."
"Yeah just do it quick." Evie urged as she moved her hair away from the other hearing aid. It took less than a minute for the aids to be fixed and as soon as they were, Evie was immediately making sure everyone was okay.
Moira looked around the cage and asked, "What happened? Where are we?"
The group shared looks of confusion, slowly walking around their circular cage. Raven, who was now back in her white skinned form, looked upwards and saw groups of men working on the other side of some glass. She narrowed her eyes at them.
"Hey." She called out at them but no one replied. "Hey!" Raven shouted louder.
There was some movement above and suddenly a familiar face appeared. With the push of a button, someone started talking. "Hello, Mystique." Stryker smiled wickedly at her.
"Major Stryker." Evie identified as she walked into his view.
Stryker gritted his teeth and corrected, "Colonel Stryker."