03 | Arrival Of Brothers

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Even though Evie would consider herself a relaxed 'teacher', she always enforced the rule of no running in the corridors. Especially in the library. She would regularly catch students running and would lightly scold them, making sure they learnt the lesson but didn't miss class. That's why so many students respected her, she didn't talk down to people.

However after dealing with two particular students and sending them off to lessons, Evie was about to enter the library when she saw a familiar figure walking into the foyer of her house. The blond hair and the old, brown leather jacket - Evie couldn't mistake him.

"Well, well, well." She called out, placing a book on the table she walked past and into the foyer. "Look what the cat dragged in." She mused as she watched the man's eyes land on her and light up immediately. "Alex Summers, it's been a while."

Alex grinned, pulling her into a tight hug, "Hey Eves." He greeted happily, pulling away so he could get a good look at her. "Looking good."

"Same to you, I'm loving the hair." She complimented which made him laugh. The two friends hadn't seen each other in years since Alex moved back to Hawaii but when they met, it was always like no time had passed.

The blond looked around for his favourite teenage girl but couldn't seem to find her. "Is Liv around?" He asked Evie curiously.

"Nah," Evie replied quickly, "She's just finished an exam and she's gone to tell her friends."

Alex hummed and nodded in understanding. "How'd she do?"

"Well from the shit-eating grin on her face, I'd say she passed." Evie explained in a playful tone which made Alex laugh. Her brown eyes fell onto the boy standing next to Alex, his brown hair and matching leather jacket practically told her that they were brothers. Not that she didn't already know that. "Hello Scott." She greeted.

Scott nodded and gave her a tense smile. "Hi Mrs Xavier." He greeted her, obviously not wanting to talk to her. Evie would think it was because she startled him, the fabric covering his eyes not helping anything - but she ultimately decided it was because he didn't want to be there.

"Please, call me Evie." She insisted almost instantaneously. "Mrs Xavier makes me sound old."

"Alex Summers?"

With a smile, Evie looked over her shoulder to see Hank walking speedily down the stairs. The doctor was visibly overjoyed to see his old friend, having not seen each other in over two decades.

"Hank McCoy!" Alex called out in delight as the two embraced tightly. It took him a second to figure out what he was witnessing and quickly pulled away. "Whoa. What happen to the big blue furry you?"

Hank laughed awkwardly and scratched his neck. "I keep it under control now." He told him, not caring to give anymore explanation.

"This is my brother," Alex motioned to the teenage boy standing next to him. "Scott."

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