06 | Freak Club

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Liv's head hurt when she woke up. Pain wouldn't be the word she would use to describe it, a dull ache is more appropriate. It was around midday, her parents obviously hadn't bothered to wake her up. She did need the rest after all.

So even as Liv tried to get herself ready, she felt weaker the usual. The nightmare - if you could even call it that - was worse then any she had ever experienced. She wondered how Jean was coping with it.

Jean. Suddenly, she was a man on a mission, searching the halls to try and find her red-headed friend.

As she found herself outside, her gaze appeared upon the girl she was searching for, sat under a small tree by herself. Liv's heart contorted when she saw that Jean was alone, not only that but when people passed her, they gave her a dirty look.

Nevertheless, the brunette approached the ginger, eyeing her carefully with a soft look in her eyes. Someone might have mistaken this look for love, they would have been right.

Liv placed her hand on the trunk of the tree and quickly recalled where it came from. "You know I built this tree like, last week." She spoke up, knowing Jean had already sensed her presence.

"It's pretty." Jean offhandedly remarked.

The brunette gazed at her for a minute, coming to the realisation that Jean wasn't going to elaborate on her answer. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Once again, Jean gave no reply. However, Liv took this opportunity to slide her back against the trunk and sit down. They weren't sat next to each other, more like diagonally but the simplest of movements would bring them unbelievably close.

Jean clutched the binder in her hands a little tighter. "I hurt you last night, didn't I?"

"Maybe," Liv responded, crossing her legs while keeping her eyes on the red head, "does it matter?"

"I don't want to hurt you." She replied through gritted teeth. There was apart of Jean that blamed herself for the nightmares but as Professor Xavier had said on many occasions; the stronger the powers, the greater the risks. She didn't know hurting her friend unintentionally was a risk.

Liv sighed, picking at the grass by her feet. "Jean I don't blame you for what happened. It's not your fault that my mind connects with telepaths. I felt a fraction of what you went through." Liv tried to reassure her.

Jean gave no answer is response which made Liv's shoulder's sag a little. After a moment, a thought popped into her head which caused her to place her palm flat on the ground. Closing her eyes, Liv focused on her connection to the earth and lifted her hand slowly. Out of the ground, a crimson red rose grew, twisting and turning until it was fully grown.

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