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"You look nervous." Alex observed the woman next to him, almost in amusement.
The trio (consisting of Evie, Charles and Alex) had arrived at the CIA building only hours after the Cairo incident. During the ride, Evie's anxiety of meeting her old partner kept building to the point where her hands were shaking from fear.
"I am nervous," Evie practically hissed at the blond. "I haven't seen her in over twenty years."
Alex nodded, patting her on the shoulder for reassurance. "I'm surprised Charles hasn't looked her up." He admitted, looking infront to the man in his wheelchair. "Not even in Cerebro?"
"Alex, who do you take me for? Some kind of pervert?" Charles asked, startled by the question. He quickly shifted to rambling. "I ... Yes, I looked her up once. But, not in a long time."
Evie raised a brow at the revelation, sending a look to Alex before she questioned him further. "Did you ever look me up?"
"Of course, several times." Charles replied without hesitation which made Evie shake her head in disappointment. "I only stopped because I lost my powers."
"And you said you weren't a pervert." Evie muttered under her breath. It was clear to her that Charles had heard as he shook his head, hating the teasing.
Alex nudged Evie's shoulder, gaining her attention. "How did you guys leave things?" He asked curiously.
Evie sighed, thinking back to her last few weeks in the CIA and winced as she remembered how harsh they were. "Well, I didn't talk to her for months, switched partners with no explanation, then left and worked for the DOD." She recalled blankly.
"Why?" Alex prompted.
"Charles wiped her memory of Cuba and the events leading up to it." Evie carried on, shrugging her shoulders. "I couldn't look at her because she didn't remember any of you." She admitted in a saddened tone.
Charles pushed the doors open to one of the main offices and called, "Everybody take a break." A moment passed and everyone in the office froze.
The three made their way through the office without any problems, avoiding all of the frozen people. However the people around them wasn't what Evie was focused on. "Why did you wipe our memories Charles?" She asked her husband.
"It was so long ago, Evie." Charles sighed as he slowed down, letting her walk next to him. "Before the world knew about mutants, I have felt ... it was the best thing for you because you were working for the government. It was one less secret to keep."
Evie paused, her hand resting on the door handle in front of her and looked down to her husband. "And for you?"
Charles sighed, looking up to her with a solemn expression. "It didn't really matter what's best for me."