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Everything happened so fast that it was blurry.
One second, Evie is inside screaming at the top of her lungs for her husband. The next, she's stood outside with all the students as they watch the school crumble to the ground. Confusion was prominent in the atmosphere - no one knew what was going on.
"Wow." Someone said next to Evie which made her turn her head.
There stood a familiar face with stark grey hair, a face that Evie hadn't seen in years. "Peter, right?" She asked, still a little disorientated from whatever happened.
"Where..." Hank began, clearly just as confused as Evie was. "Where did you...?"
"I was looking for the Professor." Peter told the adults, placing his goggles onto his head as he looked over the wreckage. "I thought he lived here."
It seemed to sink in for Hank. What had happened, what it meant. Slowly, he turned to Evie and his eyes widened. "They took him." He realised which made Evie tense up.
"Oh no." Evie muttered as her hands came to cover her mouth. Tears started forming in her eyes as she thought about what had happened.
It was an overwhelming feeling that was rising. Something she hadn't felt in years. The repression and emotions she pushed down was slowly rising, all because she didn't know who she could turn to. One of the most important people in her life was kidnapped and she had no idea what to do.
The sound of a car skidding to a stop made the woman turn around. A brunette girl came sprinting towards her, calling out, "Mum!" Liv clashed with her mother and wrapped her arms around her tightly. "Mum, are you okay?"
"Where have you been?" Evie questioned quickly. However, this questioned was quickly dismissed. "You know what, I don't care. I'm just happy you're safe." The brunette continued as she hugged her daughter back.
Liv pulled back and looked around, expecting to be scolded by someone. But she couldn't see him anywhere. "Where's dad?" She asked her mother in confusion.
Evie paused as she looked down at Liv, trying to think of the right words to use. "Some bad people, used him and took him." She told her slowly, trying to break the news of her father's disappearance lightly. "I don't know where they are Liv."
However, it seemed like Liv wasn't the only one who had escaped the school. Scott and Jean came barrleing down the path towards them with their brows knitted together in confusion, shock and panic.
"What happened? Where's Alex?" Scott questioned everyone immediately. "Where's my brother?"
Its was that moment that Evie finally registered that her best friend wasn't stood next to her. Her eyes snapped to Peter who looked confused. "I'm pretty sure I got everybody."