Dont Talk to Strangers

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I can't remember the last time I remember seeing someone look so dapper. Whether it was on the street or at a social event, I have seen many people dressed like this, but nobody with this sort of welcoming and warm aura like the tall man in front of me had. He was dressed in all black and had watching black hair. What stood out the most about him must have been the white gloves that I saw as he reached out one of his hands for me to take it. He helped me up and I looked into his face. Small rectangular glasses covered his cold, dark eyes. Even with such a mean look, I didn't feel scared.

"You seemed to have found yourself lost, haven't you?"

Why, yes I have. But that was a long time ago.

Actually, I really don't know how long it's really been. You see, I have been wondering the streets of this city for so long I had lost track of time. I am still wearing the dress from that night. We were having a party, to celebrate my brother's twelfth birthday. I was 13 at that time, but I have grown quite a lot since then. I might be 14 or 15 now. As I had said before, I had lost track of time.

That night was the night of the great fire. My family, along with our townhouse, was taken by her flames. I have been alone all this time, searching for them even though I know the truth in my heart. They all died. But that didn't stop me from looking.

You see, my family had owned a large enough publishing company to be considered one of the more low ranks of English nobles. Still, with that came a high enough social status to have my parents teach me to never trust anybody outside of our close family friends. Which makes me wonder why I'm not reluctant to take this man's hand.

I had been sleeping near a tavern where I would regularly find my meals when this man approached me loudly and had woken me up.

"Quiet today, are we not?" He said as he pushed up his glasses with his middle finger. "I can tell from your dress you are at least in noble standing, but the condition of it... tells me another story."

I stay quiet, staring at him. Somehow, now that I have been found by him, I feel safe.

"You are a noble, correct?"

"Y-yes, sir." I stammered, still looking into his eyes.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are not here anymore"

The tall man then kneeled down and bowed his head low, with my hand still in his.

"My name is Claude, I represent the Trancy household. May I ask what your name is?"

A butler, I should have known based on his attire. Trancy was a name I recognized from my parents, but I don't remember the details. I looked down at him. "My name is f/n."

Right as I said that, he looked straight up at me. His eyes sent a chill down my spine, despite the fact that I was already cold from the harsh weather.

"Well y/n, I would like to invite you to find shelter at my highnesses manor." He said with a plain face and little emotion. I gasped. I could not believe what Claude had said to me. It was a cold winter night and I was shaking from head to toe from both cold and hunger. "I assume that it's much more to your liking then this alleyway as a beautiful young lady of such high status." He let go of my hand, stood up, and smoothed down the front for his jacket with his hands.

"Come now," he said once again holding out his hand for me, "We don't want you catching a cold."

I saw my hand reach his without knowing it. We started walking toward the end of the alley where I saw a carriage being led by a smaller purple haired young man. Or maybe it was two young men. I guess I couldn't see very well.

As if he was an angel sent from heaven, Claude had swooped down and answered my prayers. He was luring me into the carriage when a sudden feeling of comfort swept over me. I don't know if it was the familiarity of being helped into a carriage or the fact that I would soon be in a large manor, but I felt oddly comforted despite the fact that I was being led by a stranger. I had a good feeling I was on my way to somewhere like home. An ending to the darkest chapter of my life.


If anyone is confused on how y/n was able to be lured to easily to go with Claude, just remember that he is a demon still and able to trap people easily. Sort of reminds me of the speech Edward gives to Bella in the Twilight movie teehee.

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