Chapter 1

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1 Month later

My best friend, Sawyer, sat on the counter swinging her legs as she watched the pancakes cook. Her green eyes were hidden behind cat eye contacts. Her clothes were simple a black t-shirt and torn up jeans and her black converse tennis shoes. She had a cat ear head band on to go with her eyes. Outside we could hear the garbage truck rumbling as it stopped outside to pick up the trash. The TV in the living room was muted but we could see the news station showing images from some sort of attack. There were people with injuries and the suspect was restrained in a strait jacket before they went back to the anchors and their perky smiles.

"So Marie seemed way more energetic last night." She said as she flipped the four pancakes she was watching.

"Yeah still healing and recovering so yesterday was one of the better ones luckily for your hair." I agreed "I still can't believe you actually talked her into not only cutting your hair but adding blue and pink highlights. Your mom is going to be pissed."

"I could say I got attacked by angry highlighters." Sawyer said as she shrugged as and twirled some of her now chin length platinum blonde hair with her finger.

We were both laughing as we finished making breakfast. Marie staggered in followed closely by Carter. Her brown eyes were glazed over and she was drooling.

"Morning." I greeted her as she stared at me. She didn't say anything. She growled.

"Hon, the girls made you breakfast." Carter told her as he touched her shoulder. She snapped at him like a dog would before she seemed to click back to herself.

"What?" she asked, "Oh you made my favorite."

Marie took the plate I was holding and went into the dining room. It was quiet for a moment while we all took in what had just happened.

"What was that about?" Sawyer asked breaking the silence as she slid off the counter.

"I don't know she's had a couple mornings like this. She's just a little off I guess from the medications. She doesn't seem to remember the spells after she snaps out of them. I'm going to call Dr. Minnow after breakfast." Carter responded as we heard glass shatter in the dining room.

"Marie, are you Ok?" Carter called.

There was no answer. Carter was just taking a step towards the doorway when she came in. Her bare feet were bleeding from where she stepped on broken glass. She didn't seem to notice anything around her.

"Marie?" I asked as I stepped towards her. She looked at me; her eyes were blank as she started screaming and lunged. Carter caught her around the shoulders before she could reach me, pulling her into his chest. She kept screaming as she clawed at his arm. She bit him taking a chunk of flesh from his arm. Carter grunted but held on as she flailed around trying to get free. Blood was dripping from her chin onto Carter's arm. It joined the blood spilling from the bite down her white shirt.

Marie continued to scream, acting crazed even as the door opened and our neighbor, Sam, walked in. Her eyes never left me. No one had time to react before Sam took his .45 revolver off his hip and shot her. Marie slumped into Carter, the screaming finally stopped as he lowered her to the ground. Carter didn't look up until her breathing had stopped.

"What the hell?" he yelled at Sam looking like he might go after him.

"She was crazed." Sam told him "Same thing happened to the Nathan's down the way."

Sam took off his cowboy hat showing his short cut black hair streaked with grey. He placed the hat on the counter. I couldn't take my eyes off Marie; her gaze was still on me. I felt myself drop down to the tile. She was dead and no one could explain what had just happened.

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now