Chapter 2

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Jenny was still sleeping in Carter and Marie's room. Sam, Sawyer, Axel, and I sat around the dining room table. Sawyer and I had our chairs pulled next to each other so we could share the large green throw blanket. Axel chose the seat next to Sam, his hands slowly spinning the cup in front of him. Sam had already explained to Sawyer that we were going to try and make it to his nephew's bio dome resort.

"My only question is if we are bringing Jenny with us, aren't we contaminating the dome?" Sawyer asked.

"If she doesn't turn crazed before we can get her there. Drew has his own fully staffed hospital in the dome we can get her in an isolation room." Sam responded.

"How are we going to get people here to go there?" I asked.

"I'm going to call around and we'll see how many people show up before we leave for the dome." Sam answered, "I'll start with a cop I know, him and his partner may be able to round up some people."

Sam was pacing around the living room waiting to hear back from his cop friend. He was on the tenth lap when we heard crashing in the back yard. Peeking through the cracks of the boarded up windows we could see a huge bus lined up with the back of the house. Then there was knocking on the backdoor. Sawyer and I looked to Sam who shrugged and went to check it out. Sawyer grabbed my wrist and dragged me along as she followed. Sam cracked the door open and peeked outside; he started laughing and swung the door the rest of the way open.

"You are lucky this door opens inwards Tone." Sam greeted the dark skinned cop. His friendly brown eyes took in the whole room in a quick sweeping glance.

"Yeah well I was prepared to knock it in if I had to." Tone responded as he came into the kitchen.

"Why did you park so close?" Sam asked. He looked out the door and down the length of the bus, "There's not even six inches between the house and that bus."

"Things have gotten nuts out there. We thought it'd be safer to get people loaded in if it was a straight shot." a woman's voice came from just out of sight. Once Sam stepped out of the way a woman with black hair came out to stand next to Tone, she was a good foot shorter than him.

"Good to see you Sydney." Sam said to her as he hugged her.

"I know on the phone you said you wanted to leave in the morning but as Syd said its nuts we're going now while we can." Tone announced.

"Ok Sawyer please go get Jenny and Axel." Sam directed, "Ashlyn go start grabbing supplies."

Sam kept everyone busy. He had us gathering what we could. Clothes, food, blankets, pillows, batteries, and anything else we might need. When we'd finally emptied the house of useful supplies he had us load unto the bus.

There was a girl asleep on the couch when we boarded. Her back was to the living room area of the bus so all we could see was that she had long emerald green hair. The bus itself was huge. I realized it was a tour bus as I looked around. There was a living room with a hallway leading down one way and a kitchen on the other side. Tone was heading through the kitchen through an open door that looked to be the front of the bus.

"Ok everybody let's get you all settled in." Sydney told us as we started rolling. She led Jenny down the hallway to what must have been a bedroom. Axel curled up in a recliner near the couch. Sawyer and I sat down in chairs around a dining room table. I was watching the green haired girl wondering who she was.

"A tour bus really?" Sam was asking Tone as he went through the door to the front of the bus.

"Yeah I can drive the beast and the girl back there was trapped in it after an outbreak at her band's concert. She said she never saw what happened to her band mates and she can't drive this." Tone answered as Sam closed the door shutting him and Tone off from the rest of us. Sydney returned from the back of the bus and sat down in the chair across from me.

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now