Chapter 10

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We were playing Clue. We had broken into teams of two so everyone could play. Sam worked in the kitchen. The aroma of cooking burgers, potatoes, and corn drifted in the air. Tone had partnered up with Daisy and they were playing as Mr. Green because of Daisy's hair. Sydney and Axel were a team playing as Miss Scarlet. Sawyer and Micah had teamed up and chosen Professor Plum. Aaron was my partner and we were Mrs. Peacock.

"Ok so we think it was Mrs. White in the Ballroom with the Revolver." Sawyer said as Micah moved there purple piece into the ballroom.

"Well we have Mrs. White and the Revolver." Tone said.

"And we have the Ballroom." Axel responded. Everyone marked off the new information on their paper before the next move. Next up was Sydney and Axel. They rolled and moved their red piece into the Kitchen.

"Ok so it was Mrs. Peacock in the Kitchen with the Rope." Axel said.

"Yeah well we have Peacock and the Rope." Micah responded.

"We have the Kitchen." Aaron said. He rolled as everyone filled in their papers. I moved our blue piece to the Billiard Room.

"So it was Green in the Billiard with the Knife." Aaron guessed.

"Nope we have the Billiard room." Micah responded.

"We have the knife and Mr. Green." Sydney added in. Next up we had Tone and Daisy rolling. They moved their green piece into the Hall.

"So Mustard in the Hall with the Candlestick?" Daisy asked.

"We have the Hall." Sawyer said.

"Candlestick." Aaron said.

"No one has Mustard?" Tone asked; everyone shook their heads. "One mystery solved."

"Now it's just a race to figure out the weapon and room." Daisy laughed. As Micah took the dice and rolled. Sawyer moved their piece to the Conservatory.

"Colonel Mustard, in the Conservatory, with the Wrench." Micah guessed.

"We have the Conservatory." Axel responded.

"Anyone have the wrench?" Sawyer asked when no one else spoke. After everyone said they didn't Axel grabbed the dice to roll. They used their roll to move to the Study.

"How about Mustard, in the Study, with the Wrench?" Sydney asked. Nobody spoke up. Tone grabbed the packet in the middle of the board and pulled out the three cards in it. He revealed Colonel Mustard, the Wrench, and the Study.

"Nice you guys win." Tone congratulated Sydney and Axel with high fives.

"Just in time for dinner to be served." Sam called from the kitchen.

We quickly picked up the game and headed in to grab food. Sam had laid everything out on the counters in a line. So we could grab a plate, buns, burger and go through to put everything we wanted on it on. It was an assembly line for dinner with the last things being fully loaded baked potatoes and the corn. We were all more quiet as we ate, enjoying our meal and each other's company. Sam had even put on some music with an iPod and speakers. He didn't put it on very loud so it was just background noise.

"Wow Sam I didn't know you knew how to work one of those." Tone said as he finished his potato.

"Very funny Tone." Sam responded, "Besides I'm not that old."

"Well I think it's time everyone got some sleep and we can get an early start tomorrow, get back onto the main road." Sydney told us, "Come on kids get a move on."

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now