Chapter 3

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Daisy ended up staying in the room with me since Sawyer was still out on the couch. We were both quiet. Thinking about what Sam had said and wondering if the next stop would be as eventful as the last, or if we'd be safe.

"Where do you think they're planning to stop?" Daisy asked.

"Hopefully someplace that's really abandoned." I answered.

"Agreed. Do you mind if I stay here with you tonight since Sawyer seems like she's staying on the couch?" She asked as she fiddled with a strand of her green hair that had come out of the ponytail.

"Yeah I wasn't looking forward to being alone after the day we had." I answered.

Daisy fell asleep before I did. I listened to her even breathing for a while hoping it would lull me into sleep. It was no use I could feel my heart pounding. My mind was racing with scenarios we may or may not face at the next stop.

Morning came way too soon, it seemed like I had just fallen to sleep and Sam was coming to wake us up. Tone was standing at the stove in the kitchen and it smelled like he had made eggs up. I was surprised to see that Sawyer was still lying on the couch. Although Axel was now sitting on the chair, with a plate on his lap. Sydney smiled at both Daisy and me as we sat down at the dining room table with her. Angela came out and grabbed a plate but she returned back to the room her and Thomas were sharing. She seemed skittish around the rest of us. It was the first we'd really seen her since she got on the bus and we hadn't seen her brother at all.

"They'll come around." Sydney said as Angela closed the door.

"Wonder how long they were out there and how much of the attack they saw." Daisy responded looking at the door. "They're staying in Johnnie's room."

"Johnnie was the drummer wasn't he?" I asked her.

"Yeah. He threw me into the bus and made me promise not to go back out. I can still hear him screaming, I couldn't get the door open he jammed it somehow. I never even saw that there was danger near the bus; I thought we had left it at the stage. Tone and Sydney found me in here when they opened the door." Daisy answered, "I hope she didn't see or hear as much as I did."

"Do you know what happened to the rest of the band?" Axel asked from over on the chair.

"I saw Robert get pulled down off the stage, Johnnie was with me. Andrew I lost in the chaos he never came back to the bus and I don't know if he's dead or alive." Daisy told him.

"I saw my parents get attacked." Axel told her.

"Do you think there are other groups like ours?" Daisy asked.

"Probably and maybe we'll even find some more people on our way and they'll join us." Tone answered, "Now who wants their eggs scrambled?"

"I do." Sam responded clapping Tone on the shoulder.

Breakfast was mostly normal like we were camping in an RV instead of making our way to what we hoped would be safety. We took our time eating. Enjoying being together trying not to think about those we lost or if we still had loved ones out there. We joked with each other and found ways to keep our minds on surviving. After a while Sam and Tone got serious.

"There's a Super Wal-Mart a few miles up the road from where we are right now." Tone started, "We plan to stop and get supplies and check for survivors."

"We understand if you want to stay on the bus, but the more eyes we have inside the safer we will all be." Sam continued.

"Everyone would stay in a group no separating unless absolutely necessary. We know now that this thing has spread pretty far. We still need to make sure we have food and water for our trip and also there may be others that have no place to go." Tone added on.

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now