Chapter 6

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I dozed off. The feeling of the bus stopping jolted me awake to find Sam had pulled over. I looked out the window but everything looked clear. I watched Sam wondering what had happened now as he stood up and looked back at us all.

"I thought we'd stop for lunch and as long as everyone stays close to the bus I think we can eat outside." He told us, "You might like the view."

"View? Where are we?" Sawyer asked as she turned to look out the window. Outside there was a lake and covered picnic tables.

"We're at Ashurst Lake." Sam said as he smiled. I looked out the window again focusing on what was there instead of looking for danger. I could see the rocky shore line surrounding the calm water of the small lake.

"We can eat outside? Is it safe?" Axel asked he practically had his face plastered to the window of the bus gazing at the water.

"Yeah I managed to get us right next to a table and as long as we all stay close we can all get away if we have to." Sam said. It was obvious he was getting the reaction he had been hoping for.

It didn't take much convincing after that, we all almost ran each other over trying to get off the bus. We all wanted to see how close to the water we were and if we'd be able to play in it. Even Micah was moving quickly to be outside in the fresh air. Sydney stayed on the bus to make lunch with Tone, while Sam and Aaron came with us. Aaron was the first one to get into the water. Sam parked so the water was within the limits he set for us.

"Aaron, make sure you're keeping an eye on all our kids here." Sam said as he sat at the picnic table with Thomas. Angela was walking with Axel near the water. She squealed when he leaned down and splashed her with the water. She retaliated by shoving him into the water but she didn't make it away before he grabbed her and she went in with him. They both came up sputtering and splashing each other.

Aaron was snuck up on Daisy, Sawyer, and I with the help from Micah. I saw dark arms wrap around Sawyer's waist at the same time I felt myself being lifted. Sawyer screamed as she was dunked backwards into the water. Her feet still kicking at the air as they followed her down. My stomach dropped into my feet as I was thrown upwards. I was screaming as I hit the water. I coughed and spit water as I came back up. Daisy was splashing water as she tried to ward Aaron off; she baked right into Micah and disappeared under the water.

It was perfect just like nothing bad had happened and we were just a family out at the lake having fun. The sky had only a few of those puffy white clouds.

"Do you see a bicycle?" Sawyer asked me as she pointed above us. I followed her finger to the cloud she was pointing at. There were to almost perfect circles connected by a thin line and two "T" shapes going up from the line.

"Yeah it does." I told her. I watched as Aaron snuck up on Micah and jumped backwards with him. Micah just had time to bring his hand up to hold his nose before the water swallowed him. It was the perfect summer day. I had almost forgotten all about lunch when Sydney and Tone came off the bus with grilled chicken and salad.

"Hey kids lunch!" Tone called out to get us all to do to the table.

"Did he just call me a kid?" Aaron asked as we walked up to the table.

"Hey I saw you in the water and you know if the shoe fits." Tone told him as he passed him a plate to put his food on.

"I'm going to take it as a compliment." Aaron decided as he grabbed a piece of chicken and some salad off the serving plates.

Angela had set Thomas and herself up on the ground with a plate between them. She was trying to get him to eat some of the salad with the chicken he had already eaten half of. They were both laughing as she tried to trick him into taking another bite. She was sometimes succeeded. They were cute together with their matching eyes and brown hair. If it weren't for the age gap they could have been twins.

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now