Chapter 22

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"I guess we should start with who would want to be part of the supply group?" Drew asked as everyone sat down in a circle on the lounge chairs we all dragged over to sit on.

"How do you want to do that? Should we raise hands or do you have another idea?" Aaron asked.

"A raise of hands would be a good start." Drew decided after he thought about it for a minute. Around our circle hands went up. I saw Drew, Sam, Sawyer, Micah, Tone, Sydney, Hunter, Hannah, Aaron, Evan, and I raised mine. Drew counted and nodded.

"That gives us eleven I think we can work with that. Hannah I'll let you come to training to watch but until you're healed you won't go on runs. Or do anything that could hurt you." Drew said as he looked around at us.

"Who are we going to get to play Red Eyes?" Sawyer asked.

"I think first we should work together and get to know each other. We need to learn each other's strengths and weakness so we know what to work on." Micah responded.

"I like that. You're right that first we need to know what we have in the group. Then we get people to play Red Eyes. By the time we have a supply run to do; we will be working together like a well-oiled machine." Drew said and it was obvious he was excited. I could see the wheels working in his head to figure out how this would all work. It was interesting seeing his mind work. I found myself wondering if that was a look he learned from his dad whenever they faced a problem together.

Drew let us just have our time at the pool relaxing and now all chattering about training. Axel was hoping he could be a Red Eye and help us train. This started a game in the pool where he was a Red Eye and we were all swimming away from him calling him "dead man, dead man". He had his eyes closed and was trying to catch us as we called out "dead man" like playing Marco polo. Sam tried to get Denver to come and join us but he ended up deciding to go and find something else to do. I think he wanted to try and find Diamond who we hadn't seen very much of since she found out that she had slept with Denver.

There was a lot of splashing as Axel lunged at Daisy. She just barely made it away, but Hunter couldn't change direction quick enough. Axel's hand barely grazed him before he lunged and grabbed Hunter. They were both laughing as Hunter took his spot in the middle of all of us. Everyone started calling to him and he started chasing us around. I noticed he seemed pretty tuned into Daisy's voice. I was betting he could have found her even if she wasn't in the pool at all.

"Foods up!" Drew called from where he was standing by the grill. He was cooking up some burgers and hot dogs, along with a couple cans of beans and corn.

"Hunter hasn't caught anyone yet." Hannah called back from the lounge chair she was sitting on watching us and laughing. Evan was sitting next to her and he had his sketchbook out. I was interested to see what he had drawn of us all in the pool. I planned to ask him after I got some food, since everyone from the pool was scattering up the sides to get to Drew and food.

"Looks like we'll have to take a break." Hunter told Hannah as he climbed out of the pool last, "What do you want to eat?"

"I can get my own food you know." Hannah said to him.

"Oh yeah how are you going to carry a plate with that sling, smart ass?" Hunter asked her and she glared at him.

"Fine, go be the big brother and fend for your baby sister." Hannah said to him and stuck her tongue out as he turned away to get food for her. Seeing them together made me miss Marie. I wondered what she would have thought about everything I'd been through to get here. I wondered what she would have said about Drew and if she would be telling me to go for it or to avoid him. Aaron came over and took my hand.

The Outbreak Chronicles Book One Survival TiesWhere stories live. Discover now