The in Between

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He could see her breath was staggering. Rey felt all air dissipate from her lungs. He was staring right at her. He was here. Or there.

Rey noticed how small he seemed, even though his height towered over her. There were dark bags under his eyes. His shoulders were tense, hands in a balled fists. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she realized he was shirtless again. Her eyes tried not to waver from his. She couldn't resist looking at the scar she had given him. The divot of a scar that started above his right eye, down his collarbone, and to his chest. Rey's eyes shifted to his left shoulder where she noticed the star-shaped scar in which Chewie had given him. Rey realized they weren't the only pale-colored markings on his already pale skin.

Rey's eyes began to swell with tears she fought hard to hold back. She didn't want to alert the people around her. After she discreetly wipes the evidence of her tears, she turned to face him again.

He was gone.


Kylo's feet were glued to the spot where he was standing. He wasn't dreaming. He felt her this time. Stronger than the last. He could feel all her loneliness, her sudden shock, and her guilt.

What was she guilty about? He thought to himself.

Snoke had lied to him, again. Manipulated him once again. The bond was still there. Maybe it was always there.

Kylo screamed out. Dark energy pulsed through him. With one swift motion, Kylo's saber was in his hand. One-click, another swift, his saber was being slashed and gashed against the corridor walls. He raised his hand towards the charging droid and with the squeeze of his hand the BB unit caved in on itself. Crushed. All that was left was tiny sparks of electricity and a muffled whirring noise. Beads of sweat formed between brows from his outburst.

Beep... Beep... The com on his nightstand lit up.

"Astar to Ren... Astar to Ren." the voice called "Are you awake, sir?" Keir's voice sounded urgent.

"Sir, we have spotted a YT-1300F light freighter, believed to be the one of the Resistance." Kylo picked up the com.

"Where?" His tone even

"Sir, they were seen leaving Gamorr" she affirmed

"What is your current status, Keir?" He asks her. 'Are they that desperate for help?'

"We're keeping our distance as not to alert them, sir" Keir stated

"Good. Keep me updated. And by all means, do not engage with them." He ordered. "Let them continue the belief that they are out of harm's way."

"Yes, sir," Keir replied.

"And Keir, send your troops back to the Finalizer. This has become a reconnaissance and as an a-need-to-know mission." Keir repeated her last statement. Com went silent

'Gamorr? The General has is desperate for allies.' He reassured himself.

Kylo turned his heels and returned to his previous aim and walked to the 'fresher. Before he stripped himself of his sleeping pants, he turned to look into the mirror. Kylo's hand touched the scar she had given to him on Starkiller Base.

Was it odd he saw this scar as a gift? As something, he deserved for being a monster? For someone who had just murdered his father?

Kylo cupped his face in hands and groaned as he tried to rub those thoughts away.

'Let the past die, kill it if you have to.' He reminded himself as he stepped into the 'fresher.  There was a heaviness he felt as the steaming water splashed against the width of his back.

'Too soon' Thinking they were about to be reconnected

Out of habit, he pushed back his hair while under the water. Kylo looked down to realize the source of his heaviness. He forgot to relieve himself of his sleeping pants.

"Not again" he sighed audibly.

"Rey?" Rose nudged her arm. "Rey?" she continued to prod her.

"Yea!" Rey snapped back into reality.

"You ok?" the curious girl asked.

"Yea.. yea.. I'm fine." Rey lied

"But you're crying." Rose prodded again.

"Swelling with joy, Rose." she lied again with a small smile as she rubbed her eyes.
"Ok. I'll let you slide this time. I know you may not  know me as well as Finn, but if you ever need to talk." Rose offered and patted Rey's hand.

"Thank you, Rose," Rey reassured the doubting girl. "I think I'm gonna go to lay down a bit. Didn't sleep well."

"Completely understood." Rose smiled back

Rey felt guilty she had lied to her. But he was here. He saw her. How could she tell someone this? They saw each other as they were in each other's spaces. She couldn't get his face out of her mind. The feeling of shock vibrated through their bond.

Rey opened her cabin door to find that some Porg's have decided that her bunk would make a perfect nest. They were adorable. But annoying at the same time.

"No..No not again." Frustrated, Rey hustled to her bed. "No! Come on. Why do you only chew my linens? I don't understand." Rey swatted the Porg's off her bed. They tried to nip her.

"Don't you dare" Rey scolded them with a pointed finger "Now go! I have no patience for you right now."

Rey pointed her finger to the door and the pudgy birds squawked as they listened to her command. She lifted her sheet wide above her to see newly chewed holes all over her blanket.

"You're bloody annoying"  she rolled her eyes as she laid her head on her pillow. The comfort of her bunk quickly swallowed her to sleep. 

The world around her was fuzzy and bright. Slightly wobbly as if she just finished spinning in circles. There was a dark, blurry outline in the distance. A loud thumping noise filled her ears. It was her heart pumping loudly trying to escape the cage that held it within. The distant outline was floating towards her. Becoming taller and clearer. With curiosity, Rey walked towards the specter.

The closer it came towards her, her heart began to calm. But she paid no attention to her slowing pace. Rey felt at peace. A peace she's never felt. In what felt like forever, the presence became known to her.


Without hesitation, his hand cupped her face as he reached her. His dark eyes were full and fierce but filled with compassion. Filled with something else that she didn't understand.

His mouth was moving. But no words came.

The world shifted around her as they stilled in their position. It became dark as if day never existed

Ben's expression has changed. It was filled with pure undiluted malice. Rey could hear the sputters of his saber coming to life. His mouth was moving again. But nothing. Only the echo of her hitched breath and heart beating filled her ears.

Kylo's hand shifted from her face to her shoulder. His grasp was tight. The red glow of his saber illuminated the frenzied smirk on his face. With a quick and smooth motion, Kylo plunged his saber into her abdomen. Terror filled her every being. Rey could feel the tears running down her face as her hands hovered over the saber that was still running through her.

Rey jolted out of her bunk, falling to the floor. Her chewed up blanket still wrapped around her. As Rey sat up on the floor, she lifted her shirt to see where the saber had entered her. Nothing. She brought her knees to her chest as she was overcome with emotion.

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