Chapter 6: Not Today

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Blood boiling. Emotions scattered. All she could do was stand there and stare into the horizon, even though she could barely see over his shoulders. Rey felt his hair tickle her cheek as Kylo buried his face into the nape of her neck while he wrapped himself around her. The comfort of his arms resonated through their bond. It was like the final piece of a puzzle being laid.


"No" Rey whispered as reality hit. She began to shake her head against his shoulder.

"We're not doing this." voice growing. Rey pushed Kylo with any energy she could muster.

"Rey" Kylo searching her hazel eyes to break what's been said. His arms still holding onto her ghost.

"You've got a goddamn nerve." the pride on her shoulders kept her standing as her tears fell.

"I..." Kylo felt like an idiot. He couldn't articulate the words out other than saying her name. He could only feel the storm that brewed inside her.

"For kest sake" she looked at him with frustration. "Say something!" she screamed. The Force pulsated intensely. Making the trees and platform tremble slightly.

Kylo wanted to tell her he felt that she was hurting. That he wanted to wipe the tears from her eyes. Tell her he was surreptitiously being pulled closer to the Light at every thought of her. That he would give it all up for her, at the drop of an offer. But he knew he was too much of a monster to ever leave the New Order. But before the floodgates of his psyche burst, she was gone.


Kylo's left eye twitched and lips clenched as he tried to keep his dissatisfaction down. It didn't work. With his gloved hand, he punched the closest wall over and over as his screams began to sear his throat. He could feel his gloves shifting around the knuckles of his hand from the blood pooling inside. Kylo dropped to his knees, his breathing inconsistent. Tears falling. All that he felt and did, betrayed everything he was taught and lived by.

Rey mirrored Kylo's emotions. She ferociously beat her quarterstaff repeatedly on the platform below her as she yelled, making the birds scatter across the treetops. She dropped to her knees, sobbing, as she held onto her staff for support. Rey felt heavy as the setting sun. She thoughtlessly laid herself down and settled into a fetal position. She didn't want to feel anymore. Everything felt as if it was unraveling.

Her thoughts brought back to her isolation on Jakku. For one fading moment, she wanted to return to that life.


Bzzt... Bzzt.. the comlink vibrated in Keir's pocket.

"Heavy to Monk... I repeat, Heavy to Monk." Kailin called out using their code names just in case their frequency was being monitored.

"What, Heavy?" Kier despised the corpulent man, even the in the days of the Jedi Academy. He was too boisterous for her liking. But he was a Knight of Ren, she had to respect that.

"Coordinates of your location," he demanded

"Why?" she questioned the Heavy

"The Herald wants us to join you." reassured the man.

"Us? Who is us, Heavy?" she groaned and wanting this conversation to be over already.

"Cavalier Prime, Monk. That's why" The codeword for the Knights of Ren to assemble. This summoning didn't settle right within her. It wasn't like Kylo Ren to give the order to just one member.

"I haven't received any word from the Herald, Heavy." suspicion in her voice. She could hear Kailin growl on the other end.

"Are you questioning his orders, Monk?" there was an irritation in his voice. She could feel the Force shifting around her. Becoming deep and darker than the Force she felt sensed upon entering the orbit of the forest moon.

"No, Heavy. I am not." she retorted. She knew the repercussions of disobeying orders. She had the scars to prove. "Outer Rim, Moddell sector, Endor system, Endor Moon. I'll send you the exact coordinates when I return to the ship."

"Heavy, over and out" Keir's com went silent with static.


Rey woke up to the pitch black of the forest moon. The nocturnal insects chirped in the distance. Her body sore from sleeping on the metal floor. A chill ran down her spine as a sharp breeze passed by. Rey was surprised to find how cold Endor became at night. It was almost as cold Jakku in the evening. Rey rubbed her arms to give herself a little warmth. She saw the soft wisps of her breath as she sucked in the crisp air.

Rey blindly shuffled through her rucksack in search of her luma-sticks. As she cracked the slim cylindrical stems, they came to life in a luminous glow. Her eyes needed a little time to adjust to the contradicting light of her surroundings. Rey threw a stick over the edge of the platform before she carefully climbed back down. Her friends must be worried sick, she thought.

Using the other luma-stick, Rey was back to fiddling her sack for her com. It was pulsing red. Indicating the battery was deadly low.

"Rey to base." She spoke to the comlink "Rey to base, I'm on my way back. So sorry." Rey declared into the device. "Hopefully, someone receives this. My com's battery is dreadfully low."

Rey released her finger off the button and hoped the comlink didn't die before the transmission was sent.

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