Chapitre Six

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PANSY and her group made their way to the potions room from charms. "Seriously though its easy, just swish and flick" Blaise explained to Sally who was looking dejected for not making her feather levitate

"How did Pansy got it so fast?" Sally added

"Well mate, Pansy here's a progidy when it comes to charms and rune so its not a surprise" Theo had said while Daphne had nod her head

Pansy had shook her head and went near Draco, "There you are my potions partner" Pansy smirked hooking her arm with his and Draco had just rose an eyebrow

"You can stick you and your potions disaster somewhere else Pansy, I would very much want to have my scores in this subject up high" Draco said

"Oh yeah, if there was one thing that Pansy isnt good at..that's potions" She heard Daphne said, Pansy ignored the remark and continued pestering Draco

"Boo-hoo you're no fun Draco-poo! Remember the muggle incident" Pansy whisphered the last part in his ear making him glare at her

The muggle incident was the most embarrasing thing that had happened to him and was thankful that Pasny was the only one who witnessed it but then again now she had him on her leash unless...

"If you reveal that secret, you know full well that you'll also be punished for being outside the manor and mingling with them as well" Draco gave her a very sweet smile

Yes, words and rumours spread fast in Hogwarts. Even if Pansy had only told the incident to Blaise, Theo and Daphne-and maybe thay mudb‐--muggle-born Sally, someone would ofcourse overhear and the word would travel back to their home. Which was a no go for the heir.

"Ah the little ponce knows how to play" Pansy laughed to herself and gave him a very sweet smile

"If you want your potions lessons to be explosion-free, it would do you good to let me be your partner" Pansy said knowingly

"Why cant Daphne be your partner?!" Draco whined as they turn in the corner to the dungeons

Daphne snuck her tongue out to him "fat chance Drake, we'll both fail potions atleast you have a chance to not fail ofcourse" Daphne chuckled

"Is she really that horrid at potions?" Pansy heard Sally whsiphered

Pansy pouted, "you are all a meanie! I'll just have Potter as my potions partner then!" Pansy attempted to walk out when Draco had stopped her by grabbing her arm

"What?! You cant stop me" Pansy sneered at him, Draco looked at her seriously then chuckled

Pansy had rose an eyebrow, does this mean...?

"No silly why would I do that? potions classroom's this way" Draco said pointing at the corrider next to him where the rest of their group was giggling at them

"Fuckers." Was all she said and harshly shake her arms so Draco could let go and walked out in the right direction to the potions classroom

She had ignore their call for her name and had immediately barged in the potions classroom-startling a few Slytherins and Gryffindors who was early inside. It earned her a glare from both the houses while Pansy had just rose an eyebrow at them and sat upfront-directly infront of professor Snape's desk.

She wanted to do a very subtle revenge on the professor for not teaching her potions from the very start. Yep, she's going to make her couldron explode right on his face when he sit down.

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