I came to the ground being one of the 100s. Clarke Griffin kept an eye on me, they all did really. But for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to leave the camp site against Clarke's wis...
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It's not a long walk before Murphy and I come about the drop ship. The whole walk here though was pretty quiet. I'm still not over the fact Murphy shot Raven, but what am I to say? I can't really say anything. Raven claims it was an accident. But Murphy was firing the gun. Shouldn't he not have a gun now then, maybe?
I shake my head as we come upon the door to the drop ship. We walk in, Murphy walking in first. When I get inside I find Bellamy pointing a gun at us and Raven looking to us.
"Murphy?" Bellamy says. His eyes switch to me, but immediately go back to Murphy. Raven on the other hand reaches up and lowers Bellamy's gun. "What are you doing here?"
"Believe I was invited," Murphy responded taking a couple steps forward. I glance my eyes at the three of them.
"I thought we could use an extra gun, plus I asked if he could bring Y/N," Raven said, looking to Bellamy. There's a moment of silence till Bellamy spoke of this being a good idea. Murphy only nods and begins to walk towards them a bit more. I walk on the opposite side to where Raven stands.
"Finn, should've been right behind you guys," Raven spoke out again.
"Don't worry. Spacewalker's gonna be fine," Murphy spoke walking right past the two of them. I look to Raven who looks panic-y. All I can do is glance down to the floor, leaning up against the wall. Soon I find myself sliding down, letting myself hit the ground. Silence fills the drop ship between the four of us as Bellamy turns and looks to me. Our eyes lock and he gives me a small smile. I gently give one back, leaning my head against the wall and bringing my knees up to my chest. But it's short lived as heavy breathing escapes into the drop ship. Movements become heavy causing me to pick up my head finding Finn walking in with Clarke in his arms.
"What happened?" Bellamy asks, as Finn set the blonde haired girl down. Quickly I got up to my feet walking over.
"A grounder hit her on the head," Finn answered quickly placing Clarke down on the ground. Murphy went over and grabbed something, bringing it over. I bend down and examined Clarke's head. Bellamy began saying the girls name as Murphy kept her head still. I had my hand rested on her arm, clenching my jaw. And before I knew it groans escapes the girl. A sigh of relief escaped me but no one heard, thankfully.
"Hey it's just a bump on the head. Clarke's going to be okay," I hear Raven say. I pick up my head a bit and look to find Raven and Finn looking at one another. "Are you?"
Finn remains silent, his breathing heavy. He looks nervous, scared even. I couldn't tell honestly. "We'll figure this out," Raven adds, taking a step toward him.
"That's what she said right before I almost got her killed," Finn responded walking around Raven. I look away rather quickly and to Clarke who still was unconscious. I keep my hand on her arm, clenching my aw hearing the curtains to the drop ship move. I glance up finding no sign of Finn but rather an annoyed and upset Raven until she quickly walks to the door of the drop ship and exits. I look to Bellamy then to Murphy. The three of us staying quiet for a second.