Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Nathan's POV:
Nathan wanted to get away from Stana. He couldn't believe what she said. She was pregnant with his baby. He was going to be a father. He needed to tell somebody about it so he called his mother. He could always talk to his mother and he didn't want to tell his friends about it yet. His mother agreed to meet him at a cafe so he left the set without telling anybody tho he know it was stupid.

Stana's POV:
Stana couldn't believe what just happened. Nathan just left without saying a word. Obviously he didn't want the baby. He was right she should've talk to him but he shouldn't have left without saying something. She cried for half an hour. She would've cried more but she had to go back. When she got to the set again Nathan was nowhere to be seen.

Everybody was worried about him but decided to shoot the scenes without his role because they really had to hurry. Tho it was very hard because his role was in almost every scene. Stana couldn't really focus on acting so Andrew decided that they all should went home because his two main character couldn't work. Tamala who was the only one who noticed that Stana had been crying went to her and asked what had happened. 'He just went away Tamala. He didn't even say anything to me. He was just mad.', Stana said crying. They went to the toilets so they could talk privately. 'Oh I'm sorry sweetie. You don't deserve that. He probably just was shocked. Give him time. He'll probably be happy.', Tamala said trying to comfort her. 'I don't know Tamala. He looked so angry. Like he hates me. He looked like he just wanted to scream at me.', Stana said still remembering how Nathan's face looked after she told him.

Nathan's POV:
When Nathan arrived at the cafe his mother was already there and waved to him. He sat across his mother and have her a weak smile. 'What's wrong Nathan? Aren't you suppose to be on the set right now?', his mother said worried.

'Yeah, yeah I actually am but there's something I have to tell you.', he began. 'Well what is it? Did something happen to you?', she asked curious. 'Well... I am... I am going to be a... father.', he said and he could see how shocked his mother was. 'Stana is pregnant.', he talked further. Suddenly her mother started to smile and cry all at once. 'Congratulations son! I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be a grandmother! Omg that's the best thing ever!.', she said hugging him. 'But I didn't even know you two were together.', she said now understanding why he sounded so sad. 'We're not. That's the problem. It was an accident.', he began. 'I don't know if I can handle it, mom. What if I won't be a good father? Besides I also have a career and the baby might ruin it.' 'Nathan Christopher Fillion I cannot believe what you just said. You got that girl pregnant and now you have to be there for her. And besides the baby is way more important than your career. You and your brother are the best things that have ever happened to me. You'll see it's great to be a father. And trust me you'll do great. You always came along with children.', she said trying to comfort him. She saw that he still looked upset and asked him: 'when Stana told you she was pregnant... what exactly did you say?' 'Nothing. I just left her there and came here to talk to you.', he said regretting it. 'Nathan why did you do that? Why do you act like that?', his mother asked disappointed. 'I don't know I was mad and shocked and afraid and I needed to think about it and yeah... I just-', he didn't know what else to say so he just asked: 'you think I should apologize?' 'Yes. Yes of course you should. What you did isn't acceptable. Poor girl.', she said. 'Ok I will. I gotta go now. I have to talk to Stana.', Nathan said leaving.

{To Be Continue}

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