I wish to be....that one.
your smile like a sun nearly approaching
I wish to be .... that one
who can sence it shining...Yes, that one!
Who can stand and hold your hand so tightly
Honey, that one...
who knows your deepest secrets...With you - the sweetest day
the night sky full of dreamings
only you I can take
with a heart filled with feelings...My love...
I know, that will never be.
It's only me - just wanting you and hoping.
That secret poem composed by me
All the words - quietly hiding
in every song....Honey?
I wish...
..to be that one.
Who can smile at you and you'll smile back.
Who can smell you and hold your hand.
Who can touch your voice and hug your chest.
Who can...
Who can say yes....
PoetryZahoď už minulost, přítomnost i budoucnost. A začni znova psát svůj příběh. Je toho hodně, co mohla bys vyprávět. Je toho dost... co mohlo by ti chybět. A srdce v proudu slov rozhoří se prudce a po tvářích stékají ti sladké zmatky nenech se unést, n...