Chapter 7

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Clary's POV:

Clary walked down the street laughing and talking with Simon, her best friend and fellow five. They had met in pre-school together and had been inseparable ever since. 

Simon had been fretting about the upcoming draft for the palace guard, he had told Clary that he wanted to apply a couple of weeks ago and they were now on their way to pick up the mail that would determine his future. If he became a guard, he would be stationed at the palace for four years and would automatically become a two the moment he left the palace, it was the only way to climb castes without marrying or partaking in the selection. Despite Simon's excitement about the draft, Clary couldn't get over the fact that Simon may not make it home, being a guard was the job in all of Idris that had the most risk for death....

" Hey, you okay?" Simon asked, bringing Clary out of her mindless worrying.

"Yeah, just thinking about what it will be like when you're gone," She smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss you."

"If  I get in, I'm gonna miss you too Clare."

"You are going to get in Simon! I don't see why they wouldn't take you."

"Well let's just say that maybe I'm not the strongest guy that's going to apply, they might not want me."

"You might not be the strongest but you've got the biggest heart of anybody that I know." She looked at him with her green eyes wide and her hand on his shoulder. 

"Thanks Clare. That means a lot." He said with something in his voice that Clary couldn't quite put her finger on but it made her take her hand away from his shoulder with surprising speed.


The pair of friends walked out of the post office. Clary could see that Simon was extremely nervous and could tell that he was getting very impatient about knowing what words were inside the white envelope that she currently had clutched harshly in her hand. 

The couple were walking down the street when Clary collided with a wall. She looked up and saw that it was none other than Sebastian. 

"Hey baby." He said with a cheeky smile on his face. Sebastian only called her that when they were alone or with Simon because the public didn't know that Clary and Sebastian were in a serious relationship. Girls were expected to marry into a higher caste and Sebastian was a five so the marriage wouldn't really have 'benefits' for Clary and her family.

"Hey Seb," She responded with a soft smile. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Yeah, um, I was just going to do that-go to work I mean. I just need to pick up some stuff from the Whitewillows. For work, Of course," He answered rapidly, stumbling over his words which was very unlike him. "We'll talk soon." He said quickly before turning away from them and walking in the opposite direction of Clary's inquiring gaze. 

"Well, that was weird," Simon said in a confused tone, "Does he usually take off like that?" 

"No, he doesn't," Clary responded with a frown. "Something's up with him and I'm going to find out what it is."


Clary and Simon were at Java Jones, a coffee shop where Simon had his part-time job and earned most of his money. About to open Simon's letter, they were sitting in the corner of the massive pantry that was lined with giant yellow crates. Simon snatched the envelope from Clary's hand and tore it open. Rapidly scanning the letter, his eyes moving back and forth madly, slowly his face fell.

"What?!? What happened?" Clary asked frantically.

"They don't want me..." He said with a frown. "They need me!"

Clary punched Simon in the arm and faked a pout. "That was mean. I actually believed you!"

Simon smirked and shoved her playfully. "Come on Clare, let's go celebrate."

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