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Theirs going to be tons of admin Oneshots ;).
Any Admin oneshots will Most Likely be written from my OC POV.

Captain Newtons POV

You see I'm a prime Admin, one of two the other being XisumaVoid but we both keep this a secret so no one knows who we really are. What's funny though is that we both are on the Hermitcraft Server. Him from season one me from season two in other words OG's. I wasn't in season one due to sill being in DeltaCraft another private sever but I left due to not really being involved in the server anymore we never decided that we wanted to continue with a new server world so I just joined  Hermitcraft.

In Hermitcraft I was quite the person joined Area77 but was on G team. Actively fought EX as a superhero to rely on. Captain Newton was a hero with he powers of Supergirl saving HermitCraft. End of season 5 and I retired the cape and became suit and tie Captain Newton. I had been a Prime since I was 25 and had stopped aging at that time. When you become a prime you stop aging and resume when said prime no longer wants or can be a Prime. Most primes last about Three million years minimum but no more than 5. There has only been 6 primes two for each term X and I being 7 and 8. Each set of primes are the same age, and start/finish the same time.

Being a prime isn't something you work towards, when the previous primes know they are nearly done about 20-30 years before retirement a new set is born with the gene (these two are not related) Then they are raised to be Primes and are set loose to keep the realm of Minecraft running.

We primes protect from Alter Egos, Hackers, rebels, watchers, and really bad mods that have corrupted Minecraft.

(A/N: in this Minecraft isn't a video game, its a world like earth. Hackers are people from other earths, Mods are just creations from inside the game.)

Ive been in power for about 8 years making me 33 and the worst thing that's happened is  about 6 months ago a group of watchers breaking into Hypixel destroying a lot of stuff. We had sent an few tier twos but eventually we had to intervene.

Watchers are another godly group with their one intent is to enslave players and use them to destroy Minecraft.
——- more explaining—-

Along with all this we also have a council of really good players to be kinda like a government when tier 4 and up isn't available to help. One of our council Members Grian of Hermitcraft was a Prime Watcher before turning good about 15 years ago and joing the council two years ago. Grian was forced to be a watcher and the watcher mask forcing him to do terrible things. As a Prime Watcher he did really bad things before realizing the other two Primes were controlling him and he fled to the gates of the Admins.

The admins have several building were we operate everything and he crash landed on the steps of the courthouse surprising quite a few tier 15 and 14s.

There is 15 theirs all of them getting stronger as they prove to be ready to move up in the ranks going through tests  and so on. Like a hierarchy theres more 15's about 2,000- 5,000 and growing I'm not sure but only 10 tier 2's and two Primes.

Here's the list of everyone on the council

Mumbo  Jumbo

(A/N: I mostly did Youtubers I knew and that are popular, I only threw Stampy in there because he's one on the oldest MCTY-ers out there.)

You notice there is a lot of hermitcrafters because those individuals have proven themselves to be of people we can trust with out lives. Also they have passed all the tests with flying colors. Also

Three PvPers
Three Redstoners
Three builders.

A/N: and that's where I leave you with a explanation Oneshot.

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