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My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I am 13-years-old. A muggle-born Gryffindor. Never once in my life had I thought that the fictional place I held dear would come true.

It all started when I went to that library when I was 11. Now let me tell you what happened.

My life was perfect, reading books, enjoying with friends, small pranks that are pulled with (BF/N), overall my life was boringly normal until I went to the library - appreciate the irony here - to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book.

I was way more excited than usual since (BF/N) is also coming. We have been together since we could remember. We almost did everything together, being fangirls together, getting our books together, ranting about it to each other.

So, there we stood in front of the nearby library admiring its beauty and the knowledge and fun it held within that only a few people are blessed to acknowledge. Suddenly there was a huge flash blinding us momentarily ignoring it because of the excitement.

As we entered the library a bunch of redheads passed in front of us. Frowning at the bizarre sight I turned to look at (BF/N), we shrugged in unison and presumed it was the hype of the arrival of the new book and they were wearing costumes. We got our books and were back home.

Things were back to normal except for a few weird things happening here and there, like, water hoses bursting open when I was out laughing or glasses breaking when I was mad at my brother and all that things.

My life started to go excitingly downhill when mine and (BF/N)'s were gathered for brunch.

Two owls decided to pay us a visit which startled the life out of us. Our mouths were agape, our bodies going numb, we stared at the owls as it dropped the letters in front of us.

Our eyes wide the size of a saucer we opened the you might have guessed those were our Hogwarts acceptance letter. We were shocked and then frightened and excited. I don't wanna bore you with that let's skip to the sorting.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, and calming myself. I felt a hand squeeze mine letting me know that I am not alone and it's all real.

I let my (E/C) orbs fix itself on the stool in front of me. I gulped and glanced to its side and locked eyes with her, my idol, the person I looked up to even though I never thought she was real until now, Minerva McGonagall.

She called out my name as I stuttered towards the stool and the sorting hat was placed on my head.

"Ah, (L/N), I was expecting you and your knowledge. I know you're going to do great things for the wizarding world," my jaw dropped to the floor in slight amusement. The hat was waiting for me? "Brave, really brave. Where shall I put you? Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

Still, in a daze, I walked to the Gryffindor table and I sat next to the Harry Potter.

And we all know what happened that year and the following year. You know, that Voldy in Quirrell"s head, philosopher"s stone, basilisk, Tom Riddle, Ginny and all. I was kind of in the background but helped as much as I could. At the same time searching for a certain grey-eyed, brunette Hufflepuff and trying to keep him from any major trouble.

Back to the present, Sirius Black, the proclaimed mass murderer is on loose. Just for the record, Sirius is my second favorite character. 

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